January 22 -- Tri-Metro Meet

Submitted by Corey Coogan
Visitation High School
January 23, 2002

Location: Battle Creek; St. Paul, MN


Visitation School hosted Tri-Metro Conference Relays under the lights at Battle Creek on Tuesday the 22nd. The format was adopted from 2000 Masters Nationals with teams of two skiers each racing three kilometers total. First skier goes 1 kilometer, second skier goes 1 kilometer, first skier goes 1 kilometer and so on. Teams registered skiers in three classes: girls-only, boys-only, and co-ed. Team scores were figured by using each schools top two results in each class, resulting in three scores.

In the girls-only, Minnehaha won over a close field. Scores were Minnehaha:10, Visitation: 11, St. Paul Academy: 12, Breck: 17, Blake 24. Mounds Park Academy did not have enough skiers to score, but their single two-some did win this event!

In the boys-only, St. Paul Academy took the competition with 4, followed by Minnehaha: 8, Breck: 13, Blake: 23, and Mounds Park Academy: no score.

In co-ed, Breck won the event with 5, followed by Minnehaha with 8. Mounds Park Academy also fielded one team. No other schools scored.