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High School

CCSA Skier Interviews

By Corey Coogan
February 17, 2005

Chandra Daw | Don Harris | Kelly Wubbels

Chandra Daw, Gustavus

  1. Where are you from?
    I'm from the beautiful town of Duluth, Minnesota.
  2. What high school or club did you ski for and what was your best result in high school?
    In junior high and high school, I skied for Duluth East. I have so many wonderful memories from throughout all my years of skiing. My best result and one of my favorite memories were both from my senior year at the section meet. I won the overall title, but even more exciting and meaningful was that we won as a team. I remember when our last girl skied across the finish line. We all knew by the look in her eyes that we had done it...we jumped on top of her and hugged and screamed forever! That was such a great feeling.
  3. What led you to choose Gustavus?
    I actually had never heard of Gustavus until my junior year of high school, when I definitely was not yet searching for colleges. Basically, Scott Jerome sent me a nice letter and I was hooked from there. I didn't want to stop skiing all together and I knew I'd be able to ski for him. I toured the school and loved the friendly atmosphere. Gustavus has an excellent and well-known education department and I was thinking about that as a major/career, so that was another plus. I sometimes think I'm crazy for coming to school here. Any skier probably would think that from time to time. There isn't exactly an abundance of snow like other places up north, but I have grown attached to this place from day one and wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. And I have learned that a little adversity only makes you tougher!
  4. What are you majoring in at Gustavus? What do you intend to do after college? Do you plan to ski after college?
    I am majoring in elementary education and I can't wait to be a teacher! When I graduate next year, I will probably start searching for a teaching job somewhere. I hope that I will find a job in Northern Minnesota, Wisconsin, or the UP...that would be ideal. That's where my heart is. However, I am willing to go anywhere; Alaska, Maine, you name it, as long as there is snow. Also, some day down the road, you'll maybe see my name on children's books. I would love to write and illustrate books for kids! Skiing has been such a huge part of my life. I can't imagine what it would be like without it. I've been skiing since before I could walk and will continue until I am no longer able. After college I have plans to ski the Birkie and the Noque and whatever other citizen races I can get to. So my answer is YES!
  5. What do you like best about Gustavus? What do you like best about the ski team? Do I have to pick one thing?
    That's a really tough question. I love all my friends, my boyfriend, and all the other relationships I have made with professors and people in the community of St. Peter. One thing I like best about Gustavus is how small it is. I can walk everywhere, and wherever I go, I know I'll see friends and familiar faces. My classes are small, which leads to building connections with classmates and professors, great discussions, and many opportunities to observe and teach in schools around St. Peter.
    The best thing about our ski team is the people. We all get along and have had some pretty awesome memories over the years. I love being able to train with such motivated people who love the sport as much as I do!
  6. It must have been difficult for you and teammates to see Scott Jerome leave for UAF. How have you and your teammates adjusted to working with your new coach, Jed Friedrich?
    It was really difficult to see Scott leave. He taught me so much in my first two years at Gustavus, about skiing and myself. One thing he told me was that the coach doesn't make the skier, the individual does. I was a little nervous to find out who our new coach was going to be, and whether skiing would be cut if we didn't find a coach, but also excited to start working with someone new. I thought that Jed was similar to Scott in so many ways, which made the transition much easier. It didn't take long at all to adjust to working with Jed. He pushes us and expects that we give our best in practice and in races. As a team we're really lucky to have him as our coach.
  7. How do you feel about your season thus far? Have you met your goals?
    It's amazing how fast this season has gone. I can't believe that next weekend is already Regionals. I am very happy with how my season has been up to this point. I trained really hard this summer and fall to get to where I am. I always make goals for myself, some smaller than others. As of now I have achieved all of them. One overall goal is that I stay focused and give all that I have in every race. This way I carry no regrets or upsets. If I give my best and don't achieve a certain goal, I'm still happy. We'll see this coming weekend if I meet all my goals! :) "Success comes from doing the best you can do, pursuing your dreams �till you make them come true."

Don Harris, St. John's University

  1. Where are you from?
    Alexandria, Minnesota.
  2. What high school or club did you ski for and what was your best result in high school?
    I have been skiing my whole life, but I got a late start in racing, as my high school did not start a boys� ski program until 1999, my junior year. During my senior year, I was the first boy from our team to qualify for State. Unfortunately, I had a really bad race at State, but the next day I finished 10th in the MN Finlandia 25k, where I skied faster than in the state 5km skate race. Also, I was born with dual US-New Zealand citizenship, and was named to the NZ National Ski Team last August.
  3. What do you like best about SJU? What do you like best about the ski team?
    I like St. Johns' academic atmosphere; it is very stimulating and engaging, interactions with professors are very open and friendly, and I have had the opportunity to pursue very intense independent research in my major. I also love the campus, which includes literally thousands of acres of undeveloped woods and several lakes. It is a great setting for both school and training, and my experience here has been wonderful. The ski team is a very flexible and accommodating program that makes it very easy to balance training and racing with academics. The team is a great and diverse group of athletes, and we have a lot of fun together. Also, having 15km of groomed trails right on campus is awesome, especially since we seem to get more snow than the rest of central Minnesota.
  4. What are you majoring in at SJU? What do you intend to do after college? Do you plan to ski after college?
    I am a biochemistry major, and I am going to attend medical school after graduation. I plan to take a year off to do some more racing for the New Zealand National Team and do some volunteering, and I hope to fit in as much skiing as possible during and after med school.
  5. SJU has one of the larger men's rosters in CCSA. How has having a large and deep team affected your development as a skier?
    The SJU ski team is very diverse in ability and goals, but we all enjoy skiing and fully support and encourage each other. Personally, this has helped keep the sport fun through both success and failure.
  6. You were one of few skiers on your team to compete at U.S. Senior Nationals. How was that experience? What do you think about CCSA using that event as a qualifier?
    Utah was a good experience. I think that integrating the CCSA series with Senior Nationals and the SuperTour is great. It increases the level of competition, and is a means of allowing us to do more USSA and FIS races, which is especially important for skiers who hope to pursue racing after college.
  7. How do you feel about your season thus far? Have you met your goals?
    Since our first six NCAA races were part of USSA Nationals and the SuperTour series, and the six men's qualification slots for NCAA Nationals were all but guaranteed to go to the top three men at NMU and UAF, my primary focus for the season was getting FIS points on my New Zealand license. I have been chasing the still-elusive 100 point Olympic qualification standard--a challenging goal for me, but one that I believe I can achieve by January 2006.

Kelly Wubbels, College of St. Benedict

  1. Where are you from?
    I am from St. Cloud, Minnesota.
  2. What high school or club did you ski for and what was your best result in high school?
    St. Cloud Tech High School. As for my best result in high school, I am not sure...I did well my senior year though.
  3. What led you to choose College of St. Benedict?
    People always ask this question and I never know what to say. I chose St. Ben's because it seemed like a cool place to go. I can ski and it has a pristine forest with beautiful lakes and a gorgeous campus.
  4. What do you like best about CSB? What do you like best about the ski team?
    One of the things I like about St. Ben's is that it is a small community and it is easy to get to know your classmates and the professors really care about your future and your learning. I like the ski team here because I have made really great friends on the team and it's more of a relaxed atmosphere as far as competition within the team.
  5. What are you majoring in at CSB? What do you intend to do after college? Do you plan to ski after college?
    Dietetics. I will do an internship for a year after I graduate and take the exam to be a registered dietitian, but after then who knows. Maybe I will ski after college (depending on where I do my internship), or there is always the option of moving to the mountains where it actually snows or living on a boat and spending my time sailing around.
  6. You were the only one on your team to compete at 2005 U.S. Senior Nationals, how was this experience?
    Well... it was a good time. I have never done any competing at altitude before so that was a new experience. I had a great time out in Utah and it was wonderful to be somewhere with snow and to get to ski on the same trails the Olympics were on. When I was racing I couldn't help but think, "Man, they made this look easy and here I am practically walking up this hill!!"
  7. How do you feel about your season thus far? Have you met your goals?
    As far as this season goes, I have started out pretty slow. I had to wait a long time to get on snow and then I was sick for a week. But now I have started to pick up the pace and I am looking forward to these last two weekends. My main goal in skiing is to have fun when I ski and race and that goes along with skiing fast, because if I am not having fun then what's the point?

About the author...

Corey Coogan reports on U.S. collegiate skiing throughout the season. Coogan has published an updated version of One Week in March: a manual for prospective Collegiate Nordic skiers. A devoted racer, she competes for Alpina/Madshus Racing and Finn Sisu ski shop.

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