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Pre-Vasa Rainbow Goodwill Time Trial

December 21, 2003
By Amy Xu, Rainbow Resort

It was a beautiful no-wind, blue sunny Sunday for the 12 skiers who raced at Pre-Vasa Rainbow Goodwill held at Rainbow Resort trails. Air temperature was 28F when the race started. With the sun, it felt like 40s. The trails are well groomed for both skate freestyle 10K time trial and classic 6K touring. 11 skiers participated in their time trial on the 10K course. In the men's division, Don Harris from Alexandria broke the course record with his 25:56. Andy Rishzvy came in the 2nd place with his 27:59. The course record holder, Chris Ziegler, came in 3rd with his 28:48. In the women's division, Melinda Silbernick broke the women course record (set by herself last January) with her 32:35. Considering the warm and slower skiing condition, the skiers are in their great shape and finished strong.

Overall Result for 10K Skate:
   Name                         Time
1. Don Harris                   25:56
2. Andy Rishzvy                 27:59
3. Chris Ziegler                28:48
4. Rolf Eisinger                28:59
5. Lars Ellefson                31:56
6. Jack Ellefson                32:10
7. Melinda Silbernick           32:35
8. Nate Odio                    33:15
9. Anne Ellefson                37:46
10.Jesse Ziegler                43:26
11.Jim Ziegler                  49:07

Overall Result for 6K Classic:
1. Ray Thorkildson              30:10

Time Trial for 10K freestyle:
Men's Division Winner:         Don Harris
Women's Division Winner:       Melinda Silbernick

Time Trial for 6K touring:
Men's Division Winner:         Ray Thorkildson
Woman's Division Winner:       -- 


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