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Gear West Fall/Winter Training Program Workouts

September 27, 2000

Gear West's Fall/Winter Technique Group Wednesday night workouts are now in full swing. Most of the workouts begin with a 10-15 minute stretching program, usually lead by Ellen Grady. A full range of stretching, balance, and flexibility exercises are performed.

Stretching out

Jan has a number of top skiers helping to coach the group. On this particular evening, US Olympic Biathlete Andy Erickson was there to explain some of the latest techniques from the Norwegian teams. In particular, Andy heavily emphasized the shift from the traditional push back skate stroke to a more side-to-side skating motion in the legs. (See link to video clips below.)

Andy Erickson demonstrating the new
skate stroke

Andy lead the group through some excellent dryland practice, working on the proper motion, balance transfer and kickoff for an open field skate. Top area skiers Jey Carlson and Mark Newman are regulars with the Gear West workouts and helped to provide additional coaching.

Andy leading some dryland drills

After the dryland segment, the group strapped on their rollerskis and headed out to practice this new technique on asphalt. Andy lead a number of demonstrations, and also choose a few "volunteers" to use an examples in correcting hitches in the form. Jan Guenther shot video of the rollerskis for later group review and critique.

Technique work on rollerskis

Gear West's training group continues right up to the Birkie. As the evening daylight hours rapidly decline, they switch from rollerskiing to more dryland/running workouts. Once the white stuff flies, the training continues with on-snow workouts.

Skiers can still join the Technique Group program. Check the Training Calendar for more details.

In October, Gear West will also be featuring a XC Ski Clinic with Nikolai Anikin. Nikolai is the famous former Russian skier and coach with Olympic medals to his name. The clinic will run over two days and will include video analysis and critique from Anikin, primarily concentrating on the skating technique. There are also options for one day sessions and special rates for students.

Video Clips

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