
Training Calendar


Rollerskiing 101: Skating Technique
May 29, 2002
With only three or four months of on-snow
skiing per year (when we're fortunate), many of us rack
up as many or more kilometers rollerskiing than on the
"real stuff." As always, working to improve
your technique can help to make you a more efficient and
faster skier.
Factory Team member
Chad Giese
graciously set up a very early season video session with us.
We shot footage of Chad utilizing the three major skate techniques,
as well as a few examples of transitions.
Chad Giese offers one-on-one
private consultations to help improve your training
and technique. Funds raised help reach his goal
of the 2006 Olympics.
V2 Alternate: Also known as "2 skate",
"open field skate" or "single dance".
A single double-pole push per pair of skate strokes. The
primary skate for flat sections.
V2 Alternate - Chad Giese
V2 Alternate - Chad Giese (slow motion) |
V2: Also known as the "1 skate" or
"double dance". A double-pole accompanies each
skate stroke. The technique requires good glide balance.
Good for slight uphills, uphill transitions, and pure
V2 - Chad Giese
V2 - Chad Giese (slow motion) |
V1: Also known as a "offset", "stagger"
or sometimes "paddle dance". Similar to the
V2 alternate, but the poles are planted offset and there
is a shorter glide phase. The primary hill climbing technique.
V1 - Chad Giese
V1 - Chad Giese (slow motion) |
Transition: Once you've got a handle on all
the techniques, the next trick is learning when and how
to transition between them. This clip shows you a few
examples as Chad skis on some uphill terrain.
Transition - Chad Giese |
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