- Brainerd Nordic Ski Club
The Brainerd Nordic Ski Club promotes Nordic Sports in the Brainerd Lakes Area.
- Elk River Nordic Ski Club
- Endurance United
Endurance United is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization who promotes living a healthy, outdoor lifestyle through a combination of endurance sports. Endurance United is also a community steward of this lifestyle, through partnerships with local non-profits, strong representation of our community, and a willingness to work tirelessly to give endurance sports a voice within our region.
- Lakewood Cross Country Ski Club
The mission of the Lakewood Cross Country Ski Club is to promote and maintain the Lakewood Cross Country Trail system and to support healthy and active lifestyles for all ages.
- Mora Ski Club
Mora Ski Club goals are to introduce people to the lifelong sport of cross-country skiing with all of its recreational, social, fitness and competitive opportunities. We the host the Lantern Loppet, Beaver Dam Classic, Fast Tracks and are active supporters of the Mora Vasaloppet, local ski trails, and other Mora Classic events.
- Nordic Ski Club of Central Minnesota
Promoting cross-country skiing in Central Minnesota.
- Pincushion Ski and Run Club
The Pincushion Ski and Run Club (PSRC) is a volunteer-driven non-profit organization 501(c)(3) that manages the 25km system of skiing and hiking/running trails at Pincushion Mountain in Grand Marais, MN.
- Ride and Glide Bike & Ski Club
An instructional and workout ski club that targets cyclists and any other fitness enthusiasts. The summer months are spent on training rides killing time until it snows again.
- Rochester Active Sports Club
Rochester Active Sports Club is a multi-sport club designed to provide a framework for the support and development of sports such as cycling (MTB and road) and nordic skiing in Southeastern Minnesota.
- Bay Nordic
- Bemidji Area Cross Country Ski Club
- Blue Hills Trail Association
- Chequamegon Area Nordic Ski Club
- Duluth XC Ski Club
- Eau Claire Ski Striders
- Ely Nordic Ski Club
- G-Werx
- Hibbing Nordic Ski Club
- Itascatur Club
- Keweenaw Nordic Ski Club
- La Crosse XC Ski Club
- Ladysmith Area Trails Association
- Lake Country Nordic Ski Club
- Lake Superior Ski District Cross Country
- LakeShore Ski and Sports Club
- Leavenworth Winter Sports Club
- MadNorSki
- Michigan Tech Nordic Ski Club
- Midwest Skijorers Club
- Minneapolis Rowing Club
- Minneapolis Ski Club (Nordic)
- Minnesota Inline Skate Club
- Minnesota Orienteering Club
- Minnesota Rovers Outdoors Club
- Nordic Fox Ski Club
- Nordic Ski Club of Milwaukee
- North Star Ski Touring Club
- Northern Kettle Moraine Nordic
- Northern Lights Nordic Ski Club
- Onaping Falls Nordics
- Prairie's Edge Nordic Skiers
- Rib Lake Nordic Ski Club
- Seeley Hills Ski Club
- Seeley Lions Club
- St. Olaf Cross-Country Ski Club
- Superiorland Ski Club
- The Fix Studio
- Wausau Nordic Ski Club
- Wisconsin Biathlon Association
- Wolverine Nordic Ski Club
- Wookiee Juice Racing