Black Lake Loppet Results
Black Lake Loppet March 9, 2014
Temp: 41
Course: Medium but softening fast
Total Skiers: 67
Course Length: 13k
Category Winners:
13th to Cross the Line: Billy Freyholtz (12 month lease on the 6'+ traveling trophy)
Oldest Skier: Brian Hudson
Youngest Skiers: Liam, Nani, Finn (5)
Farthest Traveller: Judy Martinez
Wood Ski Winner: Dave Carlson
Born in '73: John Mueller (receives TALENT trophy from '73 Miss Blackduck Pageant)
Most Donuts Eaten: THIRTEEN (course record) Mike Meelhaus (with assist to donut disher Karen Forbes
for telling Mike a young skier was "keeping up with him" several times after number 7)
2014 Sprinkle-Bella: Jane Mueller
Most Dramatic Performance: Krispy Queen: Kevin Cease (drama queen)
Dunkin' g: Louis Saxton "Big Biff" face plant at finish line
Best Costume: Scott Jorgenson
Best Direction: Bruce and Buni Slinkman
Wave Winners:
Olympic Twists: Kyle Sagedahl (fastest overall time)
Take the Cakes: Mark Walters
Hole-y-smoke-o-rammas: Shylan Rose
Long Johns: Ariel Stix
Jelly Rollers: Louis Saxton
Bombolonies: Paul Kivi
Glazed-overs: Joan Sagedahl
Fastest Classic: Lief Ronnander
Warmest BLL on record.
Least amount of wood burned record.
17 dozen donuts devoured.
147 (+/-) snowballs thrown.