Elm Creek Series Results

by Melinda Silbernick
December 23, 2014

Race course 2 laps of the 2.5k (Valley trail), race distance (5) both Skate and Classic. Mass start!!!

Conditions: Soft mushy snow, Air Temp 34 F, 10 mph wind out of the northwest.

Thomas Kendrick started out quick and kept the lead throughout the race, while Andy Elvester trailed behind in Kendrick's shadow, finishing only seconds off of the winner. Conditions were slow for skiing tonight and all skiers took it to another level. Sarah Danlels skied very strong keeping Laszlo Alberti in her sights all the way to the finish line, giving her the fastest female skate time of the night. Sweet Allie Rykken, took home the gold in the female classic race.

Thomas Kendrick   12:46 (S) / 13:59 (C)
Andy Elvester     12:48 (S)
Torry Kraftson    13:11 (S)
Sam Hanson        13:17 (S)
Nolan Noer        13:47 (S)
Marshall Landrum  13:48 (S)
Shad Kraftson     13:56 (S)
Brad Moening      14:05 (S)
Laszlo Alberti    14:25 (S)
Sarah Daniels     14:26 (S)
Matt Trumper      14:32 (S)
Frank Lundren     14:36 (S)
Ben Mullin        14:46 (S) / 18:05 (C)
Kevin Johnson     14:46 (S) / 16:59 (C)
Michael Noer      15:04 (S)
Erin Moening      15:20 (S)
Rana Kraftson     15:21 (S)
Siri Bohacek      15:54 (S)
Allie Rykken      16:13 (S) / 18:39 (C)
Rachel Elvester   16:19 (S)
Michael Larhia    16:53 (S)
Tim Hieb          18:10 (S)
Andrea Potyondy-Smith 19:13 (S) / 26:07 (C)
Ralph Schwartz    19:38 (S)
Owen Eerdmans     19:50 (S)
Griftin Sparke    10:25 (S) ( 1 lap)

Next week the ECTT will take place on Tues. Dec. 30th The team format will be added to this time trial. If you do not have a team you may ski it as a individual time trial . Happy Holiday Skiers!!!

Race director and results Melinda Silbernick