Joey Caterinichio
National Nordic Foundation

May 2, 2019

Join the NNF Board of Directors

The NNF is seeking their annual re-election of Board Members.

The NNF BOD is made up of nine hard working members. The ultimate goal of the NNF is to fund pillar projects and aid in the financial burden that the Cross Country ski, jumping and Nordic Combined community face on a daily basis. The NNF has raised and donated almost 1 million dollars to the nation's competitive projects. It is one of the most important partnerships to US Skiing.

The board provides an integral part of the day to day operations for the organization. Strengths include raising money for pillar projects, sport development, and national relationships with a goal of National representation.

Want to be on the Board of Directors?

Please submit a letter of intent of why you would like to serve on board and what strengths you bring to the board, what region you reside in and a resume and/or cover letter.

Please send your confidential information to the NNF Board Chairman by May 12, 2019 to [email protected].

For questions or comment please send email to [email protected].


Joey Caterinichio
NNF Board President