Black Lake Loppet Results

by David Harrington
February 25, 2007
10" of snow made travel difficult, but the hardy folks that showed up for the Black Lake Loppet found the whitest trails of the season.

Sixth grader C.J. Merhar, who scouted the course yesterday during the storm, took advantage of the handicap system and technical rules to eke out a victory over a number of skiers who have shared the podium in some big races in the past.

In the straight time category, two participants from the recent State High School Meet, Jill Smith and Lars Ellefson, outdistanced their coaches and the rest of the field. Bemidji High skier Max Roszkowski placed as the "lucky thirteenth" across the line to win rights to the 5 foot tall traveling trophy for the next 12 months.

Black Lake Loppet - Handicap Results

1. C.J. Merhar
2. Lars Ellefson
3. Jill Smith
4. Mark Walters
5. Ryan Aylesworth
6. Jack Ellefson
7. Leif Ronnander
8. Charlie Merhar
9. Anne Ellefson
10. Lisa Martin
11. Chris Gustafson
12. Mur Gilman
13. Max Roszkowski
14. Jon Shorter
15. Ken Grantier
16. Jim Mergens
17. Flap Wagner
18. David Harrington
19. John Deden
20. Ken McBride
21. John Filardo
22. Jan Niskanen
23. Mike Heurbin
24. Pat Donnay
25. Karen Filardo
26. Kaitlin Bakker*

* Kaitlin got first and second in the "Hard Luck" category. First, mom's car got stuck 25 miles away and they were rescued just in time to get Kaitlin to the starting line. Second, about 2k into the race, Kaitlin took a tumble on a corner at the bottom of a hill and snapped a ski. At the awards ceremony it was learned that 5 others fell on the same corner. Note to race director: Next year - caution signs.