Trail Detail
The trail is located on the northwest corner of 494 & Minnetonka Blvd. It can be accessed by driving north from Mtka Blvd up McGinty Rd. about 1/2 mile. There you will find a small, gravel parking area. Follow the asphalt path into the woods. You will cross a bridge over Stone Rd. From there, the trail heads due north 1 mile, with 5 rolling hills to Oakland Rd, the recommended turnaround point. A few fast Master skiers, (not me), and aspiring high school XC skiers have been sighted using this trail. (Submitted by Todd Flom) Pros: No car traffic, and limited usage by other trail users. 8' wide, above average condition surface. No brakes neccessary. If you have your gear with you and you get caught in rush hour traffic on 494 between Crosstown & HWY 55, it's a great place to pull over and get an hour workout in. Cons: Short, it will take you 16 back and forth passes to get your 50K in. 2 small sand build-up areas following rain.Trail Reports
2024 season
No reports found.