Trail Detail

Ashland, WI
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A beautiful trail right in the city of Ashland. The full 6.3 kilometers of the trail are tracked for classic style skiing and most are groomed for skate style skiing as well.
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Trail Reports

2023-2024 season
Reports 2 to 3 of 3    Month: Mar | Feb | Jan
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
[ Trails: Closed ]
Been taking advantage of the warmer weather. Unfortunately, there's nothing but grass on the trail. In this part of the midwest on-snow time has been limited. So, running has been the cornerstone of my Birkie training this season—we'll see if it pays off. Putting in about 45 miles a week these past weeks. Today was an 11 mile... 76 minute run by the trail. But, the Birkie crew is dedicated enough to put together a good race coming up this next week, so I'll do what I can do at the moment to be ready. It may be pounding pavement, but Birkie fever is still running strong. Beautiful day for a fast paced run. See you in Cable.
(Kevin Grand)
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
[ Trails: Closed ]
It's been a winter unlike any I remember. I haven't been able to ski here once. No snow in the northern Wisconsin. But, Birkie Fever is still burning strong. With the lack of snow I was forced to run a 9.5 mile loop in a little over a hour, in some old Alphafly 2's with 365 mile on them. Felt phenomenal. As I ran past the Ashland Ski Trail noticed about 5% barely there corn snow and 95% grass. Beautiful spring-like day to enjoy some cross-training cardio. Praying for colder temps and some snow. Stay active.
(Kevin Grand)