Trail Detail

Eau Claire, WI
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Great trails--hills and flats--for all levels. Groomed for both classical and skating. There are about 5km of lighted trails.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

Reports 11 to 19 of 19    Month: Feb | Jan | Dec
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Lots of skiers out, and already lots of tracks. The trail down to Yin Yang didn't seem like a pass was made that way, so I didn't check that section and can't speak for the intermediate loop at the bottom. Big Falls appeared to have had a pass done, but I wouldn't call it groomed. Everything else was packed and tracked; no classic tracks set. Snow was mostly soft and slow, although there was a stretch here and there that was solid and a bit faster. Some sticks and debris, and a few thin spots, but all in all good coverage.
(Tiffany Miller)
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
Most trails have had a pass or two of the groomer. There are many thin spots with leaves and/or dirt sticking up through the snow, but most of them can be avoided. Neither of the skills areas have been groomed. No classic tracks.
(Mark Blaskey)
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
Very thin with patches of dirt and leaves. What snow is here has been rolled. Not worth a visit without more snow, in my opinion.
(Bob Schwartz)
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, Rock skis ]
Most of the lighted trails are open. They did a great job grooming with the amount of snow that we have! There are some bare spots, but it's covered fairly well for now.
(Nick Urban)
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
Home for the holidays and was able to get out for 10k at Tower. Definitely rock ski conditions with plenty of roots, rocks, and bare patches, but overall it was still skiable. Downhills were not groomed but most of the trails were still in okay shape.
(Alex Menacher)
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
Conditions were good for what fell from the sky. Most trails were open that we skied, some black trails were not. There is ground poking through as it seems newly groomed, and downhills were a bit dangerous in order to avoid the dirt, and thus falling with some speed. Was happy to get 10k in!
(Anna DeMers)
Friday, December 20, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
Groomers did well for what they had to work with. Trails vary from passable but with open spots to pretty decent and everything in between. Most hills are not open and those open are barely passable. But skiable. Enjoyed most all the trails. Worth going, I think.
(Dave Wood)
Friday, December 20, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
Made decent conditions out of scant snow from yesterday. Some leaf streaks here and there but skiable even for this noob. Not groomed for classic at the moment.
(Pieter Ver Steeg)
Friday, December 20, 2024
Skiers out this morning and trails from the road looked groomed.
(Pieter Ver Steeg)

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