Trail Detail

Hayward, WI
1 Hwy OO 1 Birkie Ridge 1 Fish Hatchery 1 North End Cabin 1 Mosquito Brook 1 Start Area 1 Mt Telemark Village
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The famous Birkie trail. A great, rolling trail through the woods between Cable and Hayward. There is a short section south at Hwy OO that is lighted. There are snowmaking trails at the Start area.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2021-2022 season
Reports 21 to 30 of 70    Month: Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec | Nov
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Classic skied 46 km from Birkie start to Fish Hatchery on the Classic trail to OO, then combo to Fish Hatchery, 3:35. Conditions were snowed in tracks to Fire Tower, skied in tracks to OO, then met the groomers after OO and had a freshened up skate deck and tracks. No complaints. Phenomenal ski! Thank you Birkie groomers.
(Kevin Grand)
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
With a break in the cold spell, I skated the loops south of Hwy OO. The skate deck was very firm and pretty clean. The loops had classic tracks on at least one side and they looked pretty good.
(Don Quick)
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Great for bushwacking! Several snowfalls last couple days, no groomed skate or tracks from Gravel Pit to Lake Hayward.
(Audun Mikkelson)
Monday, January 17, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Skied OO to fire tower and back on the skate trail. Overall trail was in good shape, but a few thin spots are evident. I used my good skis without worry as the thin spots were easy to see and not very common. Overall great skiing on the Birkie trail!
(Erik Erickson)
Monday, January 17, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Classic skied from Birkie start to OO and back on skate trail and part of classic trail. Awesome conditions! Tracks were solid with good glide and enough grip to kick up many of the hills. The skate deck was hard, but soft enough to make herringboning up steeper sections of hills a breeze. If you look at what the trail looks like at the start that's basically exactly what it skis like through OO. Not too many dirty areas. Superb ski!
(Kevin Grand)
Monday, January 17, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Classic skied from OO to Boedecker and back, and then skied OO loop. Tracks well used. Used my good skis, but did step out of tracks a few times to avoid some debris or thin areas under some pine trees.
(Ken Kuznia)
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ B skis ]
We skied from Trail Head at Cable to OO in the afternoon. The trails were in very good shape and ski conditions were nice and fast. There were occasional small thin to bare spots with small amounts of debris that could easily be avoided. My friend decided to only use his B skis because of this. It was great to see the trails being used (but was not crowded) so much and I did not realize how nice and frequent the heated rest facilities are along the trail. Gotta go back soon!
(John Schweiss)
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Classic skied south from OO to the 18KM marker and back. More snow base under the tracks south of 00 than the tracks I skied north of OO yesterday. I think the re-tracking for Birkie Tour yesterday cut a deeper track north of OO.
(Ken Kuznia)
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Classic skied north from OO about 9KM on classic trail and back on skate trail from Boedecker. Birkie Tour going on today. Skate deck was good skis. Classic tracks were debatable whether good skis or B skis. There are spots now and then showing thinness in the track base with grass showing through or leaves or dirt. I used my good skis and noticed a couple new scratches after my ski. If you can anticipate and see the thin base spots, I suppose you could step out onto the skate deck to avoid the spots. Birkie Land needs more snow.
(Ken Kuznia)
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Skied north from Mosquito Brook to OO and back. Slow conditions due to -17F snow at the start. Solid deck was in great condition. Classic tracks looked deep and intact. Used my good skis with no concerns. A few isolated small patches, easily navigated around, where snow was a little thinner. Great trail.
(William Sikorski)

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