Trail Detail

Ironwood, MI
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ABR is a full service touring center, located on scenic and varied terrain along the Montreal River in Ironwood Michigan. Trailhead cabin, retail ski shop, rentals and lessons available. They have state of the art grooming equipment, including Pisten Bully powertillers, and groom daily. Open at 9 AM daily from November to April 1st.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2022-2023 season
Reports 95 to 104 of 115    Month: Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec | Nov | Oct
Friday, November 25, 2022
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
We had a good turnout today for the early season snow. The groomers worked hard this morning to renovate about 20 km of skate lanes for the 9 AM skiers. Most skiers arrived as the classic tracks were softening about mid day. With temps getting up to 40 today and sunshine, skiers were happy to be out on real snow in the woods. Temps are down to 35 but the trails is frozen again and we plan to be back out with a full groom team in the early morning. Looks like Saturday temps will be warm again so it is important to pick your time of day for skiing. I do not expect the base to go away, it is an honest 3-4 inches and solid with a few thin areas on the hill crests and under the conifers. We are planning to groom daily.
(Eric Anderson, ABR Trails)
Thursday, November 24, 2022
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
Happy Thanksgiving! Trails got groomed this early morning and we plan to be back out Friday morning.
(Eric Anderson, ABR Trails)
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Grooming Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
Pig Heart and Snowcross were out this early morning doing touch up grooming and shoveling in on on some of the low spots that were icy. We put up a few signs, clipped some brush and had a great morning watching the sunrise on pit point. The trails are holding up well and skiing great. The PistenBully groomed combination trails are very level and flat and have rock solid classic tracks with good pole plants. The narrow, classic only have a few thin areas under the pines and pole plants are softer. We are open with about 51 km of trails for the weekend. Pig Heart and Wide Track are heading out Thanksgiving early morning. Full groom crew of 4 for Friday morning. Thanksgiving we are open at 9 am as always but we will close the ski shop and chalet early at 3 pm and the trails an hour early at 4 pm so we can have Thanksgiving dinner with family. Please respect being off the trails at 4 pm so we can do that. Happy Thanksgiving!
(Eric Anderson, ABR Trails)
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Just coming in from checking the trails. The trails are holding up well and the cold night temps have been freezing down the base. Grooming plans: Looks we will be touch up grooming on the skate lanes early in the morning. A few days above freezing during the day may make it tricky for waxing the classics during the afternoon but should not melt much snow on the trail; skiing should remain very good for the next week. We are open every day until late March. Trails open at 9 AM.
(Eric Anderson, ABR Trails)
Monday, November 21, 2022
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
What a fun day of packing and grooming more trails today. We hit the dog trails and then off to Woodward trails for the SISU. We did a bit of trail touch up and the trails are looking pretty good wet spots are frozen in the lowlands, and hills seem well covered. The 27 inches of snow helped smooth out the trail because we could run the PB for 2-3 groom cycles. I see warm temps forecast but with the firm base and nighttime temps freezing, I do not expect any issues with providing good quality ski conditions on 40-50 km of the trail system. If you did not notice, I am not the youngest groomer anymore! The two new guys still don't add up to my age but are doing great. Grooming plans: We are heading out to the south to pack more trails in the early morning.
(Eric Anderson, ABR Trails)
Monday, November 21, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
Epic early season conditions. Skied about 28 km this morning. Conditions are consistent and fabulous on the 30 km of trails open. Tracks are firm yet giving and grippy. Skate deck is firm with some give as well. Hill climbs were excellent, only icy on a few sections of blueberry bluffs that I noticed. I'm in awe. November 21st and these conditions are awesome! Thank you groomers! I'll be back tomorrow and Wednesday.
(Kevin Grand)
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
I was in such a hurry to get to ABR today I forgot my ski boots. Thanks to Eric I was able to get another pair and had the best skiing I have had at ABR before Thanksgiving. Except for a few icy spots in low sections of the trail the conditions, snow and temps(27 F) were close to perfect. It seemed more like early March then late November.
(Gene Karwoski)
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: Partial, Good skis ]
Mid winter conditions. Race skis suitable for 95 percent of the open trails. The only thin areas are where there was recent open water.
(Luke Wyzlic)
Sunday, November 20, 2022
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
I cannot say how fun it was to see all our skier friends on the trail and in the ski cabin. I got an earlier start this morning with the larger Pisten Bully and groomed up a few k before 6 AM when the crew came in. The cold temps last night (single digits) froze up many of the wet spots. I was able to widen and blade in snow in the low areas. I groomed basically all of old ABR combo trails with the PB again today. The rest of the grooming crew focused on the classics and tracked most of them. After coffee break we went back out as a team of four and packed the Highlands, which are closed. Lots of great comments on the new White Pine Classic loop and the new Popple Flats mods and Popple Climb and the revised Peltonen Pass out to Peltonen Pass - much more friendly except the last head wall which can remind you of the old Peltonen Pass out. Tomorow we are working on grooming the dog trails which are virgin two feet of snow.
(Eric Anderson, ABR Trails)
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
Great skiing at ABR again today. Skate deck remarkably firm considering the amount of snow that has fallen in the last few days. Tracks deep and firm. Some rough, icy spots in low lying areas. Mostly picture perfect skiing.
(Sue Schroeder)

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