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20K of trails for skate classic skiing in the woods to the west of Rainbow Resort. Trails are 12-20 feet wide and are either roll-packed or groomed. There are also an additional 3K of trails groomed for classic only running through the resort.
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Trail Reports

2023-2024 season
Reports 20 to 29 of 30    Month: Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec
Saturday, January 13, 2024
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
We had a good surprise today, with snow showers predicted we ended up with 2 1/2" of new snow. I headed out this afternoon at a -5F and some gusty winds out of the NW. What I like about the big woods the most is that those winds are only felt a few times for short distances going thru the forest by open areas. We now have an average 2 1/2" firm base and both the 20k trail system and the 3K loop by the lake are now roll packed. We do not have a track set but are getting real close and the skate skiing is rated as good. Very few areas where a few pesky grasses protrude thru.
(Douglas Schumann, Rainbow Resort)
Friday, January 12, 2024
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Out the door this morning with a -5F greeting me, I hooked up the Tidd tech and did some combing on the 6K loop, Black Bear, Deer View, Eagles Run, and Ridge Run. I found the base very firm from yesterday's roll packing. Our average base is 1 1/2" (firm); the rest of the 20k trail system is roll packed and skate skiable. No track sets at this time. The best skiing will be Black Bear north on Brushcat and back in on Deer View; this is a 3.5 K loop. The 6K loop would be another good option. Skiing on Eagles Run and Ridge Run will have more areas of leaves and twigs etc.
(Douglas Schumann, Rainbow Resort)
Thursday, January 11, 2024
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
I headed out this morning to roll pack the 1 1/2" of new snow fall. Temps hovered around 5F and there were snow showers in the air for the first couple hours of grooming. Picked a few twigs along the way and found the trails to be in fair shape with still a few areas of grasses poking up along with a few leaves here and there. Sorry to say but we cannot put in a track set at this time for our packed base average is 1 1/2".
Colder temps will give us a firm base set up and for a good skate ski option Black Bear out to Brushcat North to Deerview which is a 3.5 K loop. If you want a workout come back in on Ridge Run. All trails are skiable but there may be some things to watch for here and there.
(Douglas Schumann, Rainbow Resort)
Saturday, January 6, 2024
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
Awoke this morning with 2 1/2" of wet snow accumulation on the trails and 29F. Started up the Viking and roll packed the 20k trail network with the exception of the Lost Bobcat Trail. Light snow continued to fall and the temps slowly were dropping. Stopped along the way to pick up sticks and twigs and just to enjoy the winter wonderland views. Our average base is 1" so no track sets will be set; base is soft now but with colder temps it should firm up. We have some twigs, bumps, and leaves here and there but trails are open for rock skis and skating only. I also roll packed the 3K trail and found it to be a beautiful journey thru the woods and along the channel.
(Douglas Schumann, Rainbow Resort)
Monday, January 1, 2024
[ Trails: Closed ]
Happy new year to all! We received a dusting of snow Dec 30th along with some colder temps. Our trails remained closed but we are frozen up and anxiously awaiting more snow.
(Douglas Schumann, Rainbow Resort)
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
[ Trails: Closed ]
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. Well we waited Christmas Night for Santa to deliver the snow on our wish list, however I must have been naughty. Christmas Eve we did get a dusting and while watching numerous weather reports I was confident that we would get snow Xmas day and the next, but I was wrong; we ended up with rain and above freeze temps so it has again wiped out our white coverings. Trails remain closed and we will keep you posted on any changes.
(Douglas Schumann, Rainbow Resort)
Monday, December 18, 2023
[ Trails: Closed ]
Snow dance worked a little; blustery winds blew in last night and gave us a fresh inch of white cover. Not a lot to talk about however it is a nice start. I woke up this morning to 4*F, coldest I have seen so far. At this time it seems like we are in an up and down temperature pattern. Keep your fingers crossed for more snow; WE ARE!
(Douglas Schumann, Rainbow Resort)
Saturday, December 16, 2023
[ Trails: Closed ]
Just the trail report a person does NOT want to file: Due to mild temps past couple days, rain showers on and off yesterday and this early am hours. Our light covering of snow is all but gone. Stayed tuned, we are moving on to our vigorous snow dance; THINK SNOW.
(Douglas Schumann, Rainbow Resort)
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
Still skiable but conditions deteriorating--shady areas where snow is protected are still very good but the junctions that are exposed will likely be bare ground by the end of the day. At 10:15 the warm up was so significant that snow was sticking to the skis and leaving bare ground in sections. Skis definitely taking more of a beating but still a good workout. Tomorrow likely to be a different story.
(Jill Troutner)
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
Skiable conditions for rock skis--very thin snow cover. No classic track possible. A mix of very good and very marginal sections on the trails for skate skiing but not enough for hill repeats and V1--staying off the edges with these snow conditions is the goal. These are the kind of organic conditions where you need to be vigilant and have quick feet because there is no room for error when the snow is this this on the trail. Need to hit the hills and V1- then head for the down hill areas where they are making snow.
Doug at Rainbow has miraculously roll packed preventing snow loss from the high winds of the past few days. Doug never blows smoke about the conditions-I showed up this morning to talk trails and snow and he keeps it real-so I am actually never disappointed and frequently surprised. He said it could be challenging and to have quick feet. Overcast conditions and below freezing temps have protected the base. More updates this week as the weather shifts.
(Jill Troutner)

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