Trail Detail

A wide variety of trails are found in this extensive system, winding through varied forests and offering many spectacular views. Trailheads include Britton Peak and Moose Fence on the western side, with ski-throughs connecting these sections to the Onion River Rd/Oberg Mountain trails and trailhead on the eastern edge.Trail Reports
2022-2023 season
Sunday, December 11, 2022
posted: 2022-12-11 17:51:56
Firsthand: Classic [ Trails Open: Most, ]
Thank you super groomer for working with the new snow! Skied Onion River Rd to X, fresh double tracked with wide skate lane. Snow a bit sticky but great conditions in 34° temps. Took M back to parking lot with a single track and skate lane. One small wet spot which was skiable. All wonderful condions.
(Deborah Leonard)
Saturday, December 10, 2022
posted: 2022-12-10 21:57:28
Firsthand: Classic [ Trails Open: Most, ]
Saturday, December 10, 2022
posted: 2022-12-10 18:17:39
Firsthand: Classic [ Trails Open: All, ]
Classic skied Hogback and Homestead from Briton Peak trailhead. Skied during the heavy wet snow with temps hovering around freezing. Wore my rain jacket! Skied through 2 to 3 inches of new wet snow, breaking trail on Hogback and Homestead and following skier tracks on the connector and trailhead loops. Skiing was of course slow but skins worked reasonably well. The only issue is dips in the trail under which there was often water. Not an issue when you could see them and ski fast thru them, but new snow and skiing at and beyond dusk made for some challenges. Will be back tomorrow with more daylight!
(Tim Nelson)
Friday, December 9, 2022
posted: 2022-12-09 13:42:36
Firsthand: Classic [ Trails Open: All, ]
I skied most of the system over the last couple of days. Groomers were great in getting out right after 5-6 inches of new snow. Conditions are quite good on the Onion River Road. The rest of the trails have some easily avoidable bare spots but are classic groomed throughout and are in quite good shape for this early in the season.
(Mark Hennessy)
Thursday, December 8, 2022
posted: 2022-12-08 20:49:14
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: Most, ]
The 6" of snow Tuesday along with good grooming and cold temps Wednesday set up the Onion River trails perfectly today! It was like skiing on butter. Deck had firmed up nicely and tracks too. The Picnic turnoff and Britton Peak connector trails were rolled only. Met some nice guys out classic skiing the ORR and others simply had big smiles and a hearty hey-ya as we passed. The grooming at Sugarbush is top notch! Get out here folks, it's great!
(Michael Kosloski)
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
posted: 2022-12-07 19:53:33
Firsthand: Classic [ Trails Open: Partial, ]
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
posted: 2022-12-06 13:11:24
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: Partial, ]
Monday, December 5, 2022
posted: 2022-12-05 15:33:22
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: Partial, ]
Skated the Onion River Road to the end and back. Deck was firm, level, and nicely groomed but there was a bit of tree debris most of the way, thus B skis recommendation. Jumped in the track a few times and they were firm and decent depth with a little debris. Trail also had a dusting of new snow on it. The first 2k skied faster than the rest of the road. Looks like the groomer made a more recent pass on the first section.
(Michael Kosloski)
Saturday, December 3, 2022
posted: 2022-12-04 11:23:06
Firsthand: Classic [
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Drove over to the Britton Peak trailhead to try the "other side" of the Sugarbush system today. Since it's still early in the season and the grooming was so solid at Onion River/Oberg Mountain the previous day, we ended up driving back there again.
Much colder day, so my kick wax was better, grooming was surprisingly awesome with no debris on the trail. I couldn't believe it! We had massive winds whip through the previous night and the trails looked impeccable! Another 11K all the way to the end. Someday, I'll work up the courage/fitness to do the Picnic Loop again - it's been too long.
(Rick Cochrane)
Friday, December 2, 2022
posted: 2022-12-04 11:17:34
Firsthand: Classic [
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