Trail Detail
Located in the Kettle Moraine State Forest, the trails wind through wooded hills and open meadows. There is a 3.2K lighted trail with snowmaking.Trail Reports
Saturday, December 7, 2024
posted: 2024-12-07 09:30:15
Grooming [ Trails Open: Partial, ]
The snowmakers and groomers have put in a lot of work, and we have a good portion of the man-made loop open. The piston bully was out overnight grooming the skate deck and setting tracks. Skate deck is in good shape and the tracks are firm and deep. The trail is open from the trailhead at the lodge up around Summerstage and back through the middle of the field. As well as up tail end to the bottom of hoot owl hill and then down magic carpet ride to the corner.
(Collin Bergholz, Wisconsin DNR)
Saturday, December 7, 2024
posted: 2024-12-07 02:45:59
Grooming [ Trails Open: Partial, ]
The Snow Maker's were busy Thursday night into Friday morning and have made more snow so we have more trails open. Mark and I leveled the snow whales, tilled, groomed, and reset tracks where we could. We have the trails in great ski condition. It should be a great day of skiing today. Come on out, happy skiing!
(Beattle Adelmeyer)
Friday, December 6, 2024
posted: 2024-12-06 09:04:45
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: Partial, ]
Great grooming this morning for both striding and skate. I'm using my A- skis. Snowmaking was wrapping up this morning and the PB was out to push out the new piles to connect the summer stage loop. Make sure you give them plenty of room.
(Jim Marschalek)
Thursday, December 5, 2024
posted: 2024-12-05 23:11:03
Grooming [ Trails Open: Partial, ]
The Piston Bully was out at night tilling the skate deck. It is flat and firm. The classic tracks were left in place and are full depth and firm as well. Grooming plans: Snowmaking was in progress and should add to the length of the trail when spread out in the next day or two.
(Mark Janis)
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
posted: 2024-12-05 00:13:45
Grooming [ Trails Open: Partial, ]
Another great day of skiing! I took the Pisten Bully out tonight to tilled and set new tracks on all the segments of trails that are open. Many sections of the tracks were filled with blowing snow from a few flurries we received earlier. It may be very windy overnight so expect a little of nature's debris to potentially be here and there on the trails. Have fun and enjoy the snow!
(Mike Koester)
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
posted: 2024-12-04 17:10:09
Firsthand: Classic [ Trails Open: Partial, ]
It was a nice morning on the snow. Quite a few folks skiing both traditional and skating. Little bit of hill climbs, no bare spots, grey skies yet again, warm and not too breezy this morning. Sure would be nice to get some snow from the clouds but in the meantime I recommend this snow :-).
(Christopher Quandt)
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
posted: 2024-12-03 23:22:33
Grooming [ Trails Open: Partial, ]
We are having a nice start to the 2024/2025 ski season here at Lapham. I had the Pisten Bully out this evening and groomed and reset tracks on the almost 1 km of man-made trails that we have open. I skied today and it was pretty good skiing considering we are on man-made snow. As the weather permits, the Snowmakers will be back out making snow and getting more trails open. Happy skiing!
(Beattle Adelmeyer)
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
posted: 2024-12-03 09:44:04
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: Partial, ]
Monday, December 2, 2024
posted: 2024-12-02 23:33:00
Grooming [ Trails Open: Partial, ]
The snowmakers and groomers have been busy getting the trails open. This early season cold spell has allowed us to get a good start on the ski season. We have good coverage down the center trail up to the top of summer stage. We also have a loop up tail end and down magic carpet with a turn around at the north east corner. The skate deck is in great condition with a few small chunky spots. The classic tracks are set where we could and are full depth. As with the skate deck there are a few chunky spots here and there.
(Mark Janis)
Sunday, December 1, 2024
posted: 2024-12-01 18:51:05
Observation [ Trails: Closed ]
Snowmaking operations continue and spreading of the recently made snow has begun. The initial snowmaking trails, when open, should include a "Y" from the trailhead to the Pisten Bully garage, and up Summerstage Hill; plus a second loop up Tail End and down Magic Carpet. Total trail coverage of about 0.8 km. Snow quality is very good and the snowguns have been very productive. Get those skis ready and ski clothes out, because you gonna need them.
(John McCarthy)
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