Trail Detail
A couple of good loops, although it seems to get more wind-blown than other metro trails. New in 2013, 5K snowmaking loop.Trail Reports
2022-2023 season
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
posted: 2023-02-28 10:32:09
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: All, ]
All trails are groomed and in good shape. Classic tracks are set everywhere and look to be in excellent condition. Natural snow is in great shape, snow making loop is good as always.
(Ralph Smith)
Monday, February 27, 2023
posted: 2023-02-27 17:48:25
Firsthand: Classic [ Trails Open: All, ]
Went out today with my old Atomic "zero" skis after the rain stopped. With temps a bit over 32 degrees, in wet conditions, they generally work well. Today was no exception. What was surprising was how good the grooming was, not just on the man-made snow section but also the outer trails. Nice, deep track and flat corduroy on the skate deck. I wondered if they weren't using the Piston Bulley on the outer trails as well as the man-made sections, rather than the snow mobile groomers. Glide was was Swix LF 10 and I used a riling tool to decrease suction.
(John Shirriff)
Saturday, February 25, 2023
posted: 2023-02-26 09:51:30
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: All, ]
Excellent ski conditions on both the man-made and natural loops. As expected, the skate deck was slightly soft and slower than usual, but did not detract from a beautiful day. Fewer people on the trails than usual... Likely related to this being Birkie weekend (?).
(Adam Bock)
Friday, February 24, 2023
posted: 2023-02-24 13:31:47
Firsthand: Classic [ Trails Open: All, ]
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
posted: 2023-02-21 09:46:44
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: All, ]
Sunday, February 19, 2023
posted: 2023-02-19 17:24:29
Firsthand: Classic [ Trails Open: All, ]
I had a good ski on the snow making loops this afternoon. The classic tracks were in pretty good shape on all the loops. They were a little slushy in the sun, and a little slippery in the shade, but with all the rain and warm weather we've had lately--the groomers did a great job!
(Bill Lundberg)
Sunday, February 19, 2023
posted: 2023-02-19 12:37:54
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: All, ]
I skied all the natural snow trails (Hill, Lake, North, Oak Knob, and Nature Center Spur) this morning. I was amazed at the coverage and how well it skied. I skied yesterday and had the same thoughts:) After a month without snow and an inch of rain last week I truly don't understand how they've done it on those trails??!! The natural snow trails were skiing better than the manmade loop. The word obviously got out because lots of people were on those trails with me. Last two days at Hyland have been great with so many skiers enjoying the weather and trails. Best of efforts to all the skiers heading to Hayward next week. Might be some fresh snow!
(Jim Wlliams)
Sunday, February 19, 2023
posted: 2023-02-19 12:28:38
Firsthand: Freestyle [
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The made snow loop was barely touched just after sunrise. It was firm and not icy. The hills on the chalet loop seems like they would have sugar later in the day with more traffic, but not yet. Boulder Ridge downhill was easily navigable with very little buildup and no ice yet. The natural snow trails are indeed in solid condition. Some debris in sections around the lake and the hill trail, and it gets a little icy closer to the parking lots, but impressively good for the weather we've had.
(Dan Boody)
Saturday, February 18, 2023
posted: 2023-02-18 21:19:16
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: All, ]
Believe the hype! Trail conditions are excellent with no ice found, even after the sun went down and it dropped below freezing. Fast but still lots of control.
(Tim Bontrager)
Saturday, February 18, 2023
posted: 2023-02-18 09:56:02
Firsthand: Freestyle Secondhand [ Trails Open: All, ]
Skied all the trails besides the connection between Lake and Frog Town, other than one slightly icy spot on Lake everything was great. I was surprised to see Three Rivers trail report about everything being in good condition, but it was for sure accurate. Impressive work by the groomers. I only skate skied but tracks looked really good most places.
(Ben Fuller)
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