Trail Detail

1 Greene Rd (South) 1 Greene Rd (North) 1 Thunderbird Rd
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Featuring oak woodlands, savanna, and wetlands, the DuPage Forest Preserve District machine-grooms on a regular basis when sufficient snow is available, and most trails are double-tracked with a narrow skating lane between.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2023-2024 season
Reports 1 to 1 of 1    Month: Jan
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
All of the trails south of 75th Street are groomed, with a set of classic tracks on each side, and a skate deck down the middle. We did not attempt any skating, because the deck has been heavily trod everywhere, and is not in good shape. The classic tracks, on the other hand, were good just about everywhere. Nothing north of 75th Street is groomed at all, and the section of trail down the east side of the property, roughly parallel to Route 53, is in terrible shape -- suggest avoiding it entirely. People and pets have walked all over it, and worse, someone drove a truck the length of it, starting all the way up by the dog park. They weaved all over the place, basically wrecking the entire trail, unless you are in the mode for some trailblazing. West of and adjacent-to Greene Road, all the tracks are in very good shape, and a fair number of skiers were out today -- all striding. Very little tree debris, and other than the road crossings, plenty of snow everywhere.
(David Hillman)