Trail Detail

Victoria, MN
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Trails available for beginning to intermediate skiers over a wide variety of terrain, from, hardwood forests to marshlands.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2023-2024 season
Reports 2 to 9 of 9    Month: Mar | Feb | Nov
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
At a 1:00 pm start, it was at least 32 degrees, sunny and King was in poor condition. In fact after today, I wouldn't recommend skiing King at all. I had to take my skis off and walk only once (I am ignoring the final bare spot immediately before the trailhead trailer) but the steep hill immediately after the observation tower was treacherous - after slowing to ski around a bare spot a third of the way down I did a straight run the rest of the way down and one ski caught on the grass under the snow but fortunately it released right away. The rest of the downhills were okay although I as well as most of the several others who had skied the trail before me snowplowed the entire way down from the "summit" overlooking Parley Lake. As noted by others, there was frequent branch debris as well as a lot of grass sticking through. Nevertheless, I think I escaped with only one new scratch on one of my skis.
(Keith Carlson)
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
Glad I skied Carver today since there may not be another chance this season. There is enough snow coverage but definitely rock ski conditions with lots of small branches and twigs down plus leaf debris in the wooded areas. The prairie sections have significantly less debris. Tracks have been set, but they are quite shallow and debris filled or there is substantial grass poking through in most places. There are at least two spots I found it might be best to stop and walk around: near the start of eastbound Sugarbush loop (see photo) and near the end of the King trail approaching the trailhead building. The King loop had the best snow coverage overall. I didn't ski the nature center spur or Grimm based on previous reports. Despite the conditions, I thoroughly enjoyed skiing on natural snow.
(Ben Ruhme)
Friday, February 16, 2024
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
I skied all the trails including Grimm and King twice. King had the best snow coverage by far except the part along the snowmobile trail. All the downhills on King including the first big drop off were great. All the other trails including getting to the start of King were mixed. Debris and sometimes you had to find a way to go around bad spots. The worst trail was the big downhill from the visitor center to Grimm and the uphill wasn't much better. I'd recommend using the other trail head if you're going to do Grimm. I used my B waxless skis and didn't see much damage but I took it pretty easy and watched for debris because it was great just to be skiing at Carver.
(Dan Zenk)
Friday, February 16, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
Trails were in pretty good shape. Most of the thin sections are avoidable, but still saw some rocks and branches mixed in with the snow. My skis got caught a couple of times, luckily no new big grooves/divots on my skis. I was on my B skis, but I wish I was on rock skis. They were out grooming when I arrived. Classic tracks were down but very thin.
(Matt Hempe)
Friday, February 16, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
Skated the Sugar Bush and Sky trails this morning. It was a blast being able to ski at Carver in a season I thought was over. The trail conditions are hard to describe; I'd say poor to fair, but better than what that might usually imply, so maybe fair. There's good snow coverage and everything was very skiable, but a lot of leaves and large chunks of branches and so forth churned in throughout. Small areas of exposed grass here and there. Definitely B skis, but very skiable and nothing requiring off-trail or tiptoeing around gaps in the trail or anything like that.
(Kristian Markon)
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Rock skis ]
The Carver grooming crew did a fine job setting up the 7 inches of snow that fell. Skied all of the trails. Was amazing to be out skiing Carver, really didn't think skiing carver would happen this season. I would definitely recommend it, however there are places where you will need to take your skis off to walk around some sketchy spots. Get it soon it won't last long. Do not bring your good skis! No track set.
(Tim Kinney)
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ B skis ]
Yes, Carver is groomed for skate as of this morning (classic track wasn't set yet)! Soft, fresh, real snow. Bring your B skis - there are a few exposed rocks and sticks here and there - and prepare to get your natural snow fix for the season. Thank you to the Three Rivers groomers for making the unexpected happen during an otherwise dismal winter!
(Ali Towle)
Monday, November 27, 2023
[ Trails Open: All ]
King trail is mowed down, free of debris, and ready for snow.
(Dave Niday)