Trail Detail

Minneapolis, MN
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North Wirth Park includes 13 kilometers of groomed trail. The North Wirth trails include a mix of beginner, intermediate and advanced trails. Trails include Hap Lutter Loop (lighted, 3.3K snowmaking), Skyline Trail, Back-40/Twin Lake Trail, Judy Lutter Trail, and Tornado Alley Trail.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2023-2024 season
Reports 102 to 111 of 130    Month: Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec | Nov
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, Good skis ]
Got out on the trail just before 8:00am with one of the last open parking spots. Thank you to the Loppet for continuing to make it work, and extend the course. The new World Cup 180° turn is a nice addition, looking forward to faster conditions! Snow was otherwise okay, but sugar was getting pretty deep on the up-hills. Good for training those legs though.
(Mike Snell)
Thursday, December 21, 2023
[ Trails Open: Partial, Good skis ]
We have opened another 350 meter section of trail after Coach's Corner that features a new cutoff for this year's World Cup sprint loop. The far end of the loop is a sharp right downhill corner, so be prepared to navigate this instead of going straight up to 4 Corners like normal.
(Robert Ibler)
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, Good skis ]
Mint conditions at Theo Wirth this morning on the 2.5K loop - nice, fast and easy skating and great looking double classic tracks for most of the course. Lots of new snow being made for future trails. Nice job on all of the grooming, Wirth trails crew!!
(Bill Oyler)
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
The recent "cold" weather has improved the trail conditions. Started this afternoon with a really good skate deck. By the end, the groups of skiers had churned up the uphills enough that they were getting fairly powdery. Only slightly icy spot was on the right side at the start as you are going down the second hill away from green meadows (the slight right before you leave the woods).
(Tim Bontrager)
Monday, December 18, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ B skis ]
Hard pack skate deck. More sugar and ice with the colder temps. Happy to see the snow machines going! Good Monday morning ski session.
(Nic Wilson)
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, Good skis ]
Despite the morning rain, the trails held out quite well! Skate skiing in the afternoon in the 40 degree temps was much faster than expected, and not much of any ice to worry about. It was great to be skiing in part of the back woods on the newly opened Green Meadow extension - much cleaner snow and fun hills. My white base skis worked great. Thanks to the Loppet trails crew for keeping the trail in such great shape despite the challenging weather!
(Bill Oyler)
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
Mashed potatoes with hard pack underneath and icy near the edges of the trail. Snow was also quite dirty today. Trail base was holding up nicely in most locations despite the rain yesterday. Kudos to the grooming crew and it's nice to still have a trails to ski on in this weather.
(Ben Ruhme)
Friday, December 15, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ B skis ]
Despite the soft rain we had a great time on the newly opened section Friday night. Considering the warm weather the last week we felt very fortunate to be able to enjoy a ski, big thanks to the groomers for all their hard work.
(Nic Wilson)
Friday, December 15, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
Uncrowded Friday noon ski today in misty soft conditions; heavy sugar becoming mashed potatoes (not appealing on either skis or plate) on the steeper uphills. But the trail was holding its own. I'm on the borderline between a good ski and B ski rating, mainly due to stretches of dirty snow, but I saw no actual rocks. The newly extended trail seems to measure 2.2 rather than 2.5km per my Garmin on multiple laps.
(David Moore)
Thursday, December 14, 2023
[ Trails Open: Partial, Good skis ]
Green Meadow trail is now open, for a total of 2.5k of snowmaking ski trails. Green Meadow section does not have lights, so bring a headlamp to ski it at night! Lower Stadium up to Coach's Corner do have lights. Snowmaking ski trails are groomed nightly for classic and skate, and are open 6am-10pm.
(Robert Ibler)

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