Trail Detail

Burlington School Forest
Burlington, WI
[ NWS ]
New Reports Report Requests


There is 3.5k of ski trail on gentle rolling terrain through a forest canopy. The trails are groomed by the Burlington High School ski club.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2022-2023 season
Reports 1 to 2 of 2    Month: Mar
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
The classic tracks created yesterday by Glenn were good first thing this morning. I skied most of the trails, initially the track edges were crunchy, and slow, until it warmed up a bit. There are some bare spots that need skiing around, but most trails are plenty wide to accommodate. I would avoid the NW Forest trail, it had large bare areas due to numerous springs, and some fallen branches. By the time I left, there was some hiking damage, but not terrible. It's certainly not like skiing groomed trails, but far better than breaking trail! It may still be good skiing Sunday.
(Paul Kinzer)
Friday, March 10, 2023
Firsthand: Classic 
[ B skis ]
Cross country skiing in March around here? Yes, just set some tracks with my skis on most of the trails. No hikers out yet, come and take advantage of the beautiful snow. Lot of debris from the ice storm still, but doable. Saturday morning should be good too!
(Glenn Stoll)