Trail Detail

Park Rapids, MN
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Here you will find the Headwaters to the Mississippi amongst towering pines. Trails are easy to difficult.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2016-2017 season
Reports 5 to 5 of 5    Month: Feb | Jan | Dec
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Good snow coverage at Itasca Park which is just to the east of Maplelag. Groomer had rolled the trails Ozawindib, Eagle Scout, Nicollet, Wilderness Dr, DeSoto and Deer Park which I skied in that order. Also based on my observation, I think it was groomed it with tid tech but not a good job (did it under warm, moist conditions) and no classic track as of that day. Nonetheless having a firm base to push off from made the classic skiing enjoyable with Swix 65 and especially when I had the whole park to myself and it's semi-wilderness character with wolf pack and all. It was blowing all day with the ice pellets and snow coming down hard just as I got to the car at dusk. Received a couple inches of snow after that overnight into Monday, and when it cools off and dries out should be good for some more xc skiing.
(Greg Klave)