Trail Detail

Underdown Recreation Area
Irma, WI
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New Reports Report Requests


Recreation area includes dozens of small lakes and ponds. Trail system contains of three loops: blue, red and green segments. They may additionally groom Loop Road for skating.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2015-2016 season
Reports 3 to 6 of 6    Month: Feb | Jan
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Good skis ]
Conditions: Excellent.
The blue loop was in great shape today. 1/2" new snow overnight, just gorgeous outside today.
(Pete Wurl)
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Firsthand: Classic 
[ B skis ]
Conditions: Very Good. Very minor debris and a few small patches of dirt.
The tracks are hard and fast. Enough snow has fallen to make hard waxing easy and waxless skis work well. Minor glazing near the parking lot. The short, single track cutoff trails seem to have the most debris. And the dirt, what little there is of it, seems to be almost entirely confined to the right track.
(George Cleveland)
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Good skis ]
Conditions: Very good tracks that are well set with fresh dusting of snow.
Fun hills and little traffic made a great day of skiing. There were a few spots with some downed pine needles, but there were not any leaves the in tracks. Made a very nice glide.
(Sandy Kneser)
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Firsthand: Freestyle Secondhand 
[ B skis ]
Conditions: Decent, firm and fast, but not icy.
The green loop had firm, fast tracks set. Minor debris, but nothing you couldn't step over. If you are super paranoid about your skis, use your B set. Otherwise no problem using your best here. I talked very briefly with a few skiers that did the long, outside loop. They basically confirmed the same conditions on that loop as I found on the green.
(Pete Wurl)