Trail Detail

Cannon Falls, MN
1 Cannon Falls Ballfield 1 Welch 1 Red Wing
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Trail stretches from Cannon Falls to Red Wing on an old railroad bed. Pretty much flat, but quite scenic.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2022-2023 season
Reports 6 to 7 of 7    Month: Mar | Feb | Jan
Friday, January 27, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Great ski before the deep freeze. Virgin corduroy and actual sunshine. The west wind slowed me some in the open on my return, there was the usual foot traffic damage from the Cannon Falls ballfield access to the driveway crossing 1 mile later and it was a little soft but that was not all bad when I went down hard on the final descent when I hit some bark litter. I did the first 4 miles nonstop at a 7.5 mph pace despite another fall when I apparently hit some grit just after I walked across the snow-covered driveway with my skis on. Saw three separate groups of Trumpeter Swans on the river, one that took off as I passed. It was 24 degrees according to my car when I started around 2:30 and 20 when I left at 5. I used FastWax Blue LF. One snowshoe-er and two classic skiers I met on my return were all I saw in the 10.3 miles I skied. Thanks to the trail groomers for such a great ski.
(Keith Carlson)
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
First time here this year and the trail is in great shape. Parked at the Welch Station trailhead and noted that the trail is closed from that point to Red Wing. Heading the other way towards Cannon Falls I was a bit concerned at first because the left hand track was washed out in several places for the first .2 or so miles, but after that it was pristine! Single track classic and skate deck all the way to Cannon Falls, and I didn't see a single person on the trail. Tons of wildlife sightings along the river including deer, swans, an eagle, and pileated woodpecker. I went about 3 miles and hated to turn back but I know my limits! I'll be back soon to do another section.
(Tricia Dikeman)