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Trails groomed daily, as necessary. Classic and skating, Lessons available for individuals and groups. Warm chalet with showers, sauna, changing rooms, lounge area, snacks.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

Reports 1 to 10 of 52    Month: Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec
Friday, March 14, 2025
Firsthand: Classic 
[ B skis ]
We skied Snowflake again today and it was about the same as yesterday! This time we went in from the 8k past the stadium and after a bit of the spring ice we got to the good stuff again. Get out today!
(Eve Graves)
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Firsthand: Classic Secondhand 
[ B skis ]
After more than 20 years of skiing at Snowflake, especially in the spring, I know the melting patterns well. Right now Snowflake is not even close to being done! We skied parts of the 5k and the 8k...the 5k had some spring ice in spots and the worst of it was near the biathlon range and towards the end of the 4k. The 8k was pretty darn good! The snow we were on was 100% connected and we were classic skiing. We ran into someone who had just finished skating and said the Bee hollow hill was the only place he had to take his skis off and walk. The groomers did an excellent job again this year, the classic tracks are still there too! The message at Snowflake says they are unable to groom anymore because they hill they use to get to the trail is bare. If you like spring skiing, check it out!
(Eve Graves)
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
Tuesday-Wed morning's ugly weather left 4-5" of beautiful snow on our trails. This afternoon we compacted and groomed the 5K, Special K, and the 8K segments of the Perimeter Loop. We then set a new track on same. We also groomed a 1 1/2 km section of the 8K at Fisketti Junction>Nikolai's Narrows. This loop is accessible via the Perimeter Loop or Mole Hill cut-thru. It is not tracked yet. The remaining 4K of the 8K trail has not been cleaned or groomed but is open to skiers. Operating plans: Considering forecast weather, return on effort,
and our knowledge of our trails, we are focusing effort on the trails/segments that best endure direct sun and warming temps. We will be open 8-8 on Thursday and Friday. We hope to be open 8-6 on Saturday, but check the phone message for early closure if it gets "hot". Saturday is a Member's Dog Day. We will be open 8-Noon on Sunday. We expect to be closed on Monday due to forecast. Doing all we can to extend the season through March.
(John Graham)
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Grooming Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
We hosted a successful MN Biathlon meet today, with about 40 athletes. Presently we have the 6K groomed and tracked, and the 8K segments of the Perimeter Loop groomed and tracked, as well as the 8K loop from Fisketti Junction, down Nikolai's Narrows, and around to Fisketti Junction. The rest of the 8K has not been restored since Friday's wind event. Grooming plans: We're looking at the forecasts to decide whether or not to groom any more of the 8K this season. Our focus is on preserving and grooming the 6K and Perimeter Loop. We will be open until noon on Monday, then closed while we monitor the weather. Monday is a Member's Dog day (until noon).
(John Graham)
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Grooming Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
The Friday morning wind-storm put several trees on our trails, lots of debris, and took-out our trail lighting. Saturday night we continued restoring the trails. The 6K (photos) is groomed for skating and classic. Some debris frozen-in, hence B skis. We also cleared and groomed the skate deck on the Perimeter Loop segments of the 8K. The classic track there is worn but skiable. On Sunday, between 7am-2pm most of the 5K will be closed for a MN Biathlon Meet. SpecialK iss accessible via the 6K trailhead; directions are posted by the sign-in sheet. The 8K is open to skiers, however we have not yet surveyed nor cleaned/groomed the 8K except those Perimeter Loop segments. Both the full 6K and Perimeter Loop will be open from 2pm and on. Sunday is a No Dog day.
(John Graham)
Friday, February 28, 2025
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
I arrived just before sunset Friday evening and set off on the 8k loop, not realizing it hadn't been groomed. It was crusty and fast, with lots of debris on the trail as well as a downed tree. Mildly terrifying. After surviving that, I skated the 6 km loop and it was very nice, with a fast groomed surface with minimal trail debris. The classic tracks looked somewhat crusty but fully covered and fairly clean. Thank you groomers for cleaning up many, many twigs, branches and a few trees and giving us a few more days of skiing!
(Tom MacDonald)
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Grooming Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Tonight we groomed the 5K and Special K skate decks. We are hosting a MN Biathlon event on Sunday, 7am-2pm. Most of the 5K will be closed from 7am-1pm. For those wanting an easy ski, we groomed a route out to Special K. For those wanting a difficult ski, the 8K will be open. Due to the warm-up, we will close at 6pm on Sunday. We will be Closed on Monday. We will be open 7am-Noon on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. No Dogs until further notice. Our intent is to preserve our base for March skiing.
(John Graham)
Thursday, February 20, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
At night we re-groomed all skate decks. They are firm and flat. Classic tracks on both trails are hard, well formed, 99% intact. Scheduling: Saturday is a Member Dog Day. On Sunday we are hosting a Biathlon Meet. Most of the 5K trail will be closed from Saturday 7pm-Sunday 1pm for the meet. The 8K and SpecialK will be open. We anticipate being closed after noon on Monday to Wednesday next week, in order to preserve our base for March skiing. No Member Dogs if the temp is above 32 degrees.
(John Graham)
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Grooming Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
6" of powder last night! Today we compact all trails, groomed all skate decks and set new tracks on all trails. Untransformed powder is still soft, but afternoon skiers were very happy. Today is No Dogs due to fresh grooming, but Sunday will be a Member Dog Day. The final KidSki session is Sunday 1:45-3:45. Parking and chalet will be crowded during that period.
(John Graham)
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
I classic skied on the 8k loop early evening, and it was excellent. Tracks were well-defined, hard but unglazed, with just a few occasional leaves in the tracks. Skate deck was wide and firm. I didn't ski the 6k but it appears to be getting much more use.
(Tom MacDonald)

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