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PistenBully groomed trails (with 12 km groomed for classic-only), 2 km lighted, and 15km of power-tilled single-track ski trails. Glaciated terrain provides for a wide range of beginner to expert level trails and a telemark slope. On-site amenities include a chalet with PSIA certified ski school and& ski shop, food service, and a heated waxing room.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

Reports 12 to 21 of 80    Month: Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec
Thursday, March 6, 2025
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
The groomers had a long and busy night but managed to get the interior trails groomed up with excellent conditions! Fresh and deep classic tracks and beautiful skate decks all around. The wilderness multi use trails were also groomed up with new classic tracks. Wolf Tracks was rolled around the whole loop. It'll be good for a classic ski adventure. Conditions may be a little soft with all the fresh snow-but it is gorgeous out there! We got maybe close to 6"-7" in total. But the wind did bring down a ton of trees. If you venture anywhere that wasn't groomed, use caution as there will likely be debris on the trails.
(Erin Blow)
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
We do not recommend skiing today. The chalet area and trails are very icy in spots from the warm temps and last nights rain.
(Erin Blow)
Saturday, March 1, 2025
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
The sun is peeking out and we received a fresh inch or so of fluffy snow just in time for race weekend. The trails are looking great out there! The Pisten bully went out and set new skate decks and classic tracks up almost all of the interior trails and added on Wolf Tracks to the cabin and back-perfect for those looking for a long ski. Conditions are still pretty good out there with just some thin spots. Classic tracks may be thin in spots. There will be a bit of fresh snow on top of some of the groomed trails. But, the tiller did a great job of busting up the trails after the freeze thaw cycles we've been having. Reminder that the trails are open today during the race. Most people will be done racing around 12pm.
(Erin Blow)
Thursday, February 27, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
It snowed about.25" to.5" last night! So the groomers decided to only touch up the skate decks on some interior trails and leave the classic tracks alone. The fresh snow on the bottom of the tracks will help with any glazing from the warm temps yesterday. We are doing minimal grooming during the week in order to save the trails for the weekend... and beyond. Coverage is still very good especially on the west side interior trails (Tornado Alley, Base Loop, Survivor, Nose Dive). These are all the trails in this weekend's Loopy Loppet race, so we are confident on being able to hold the race on these loops. Use caution at the beginning of Silver Strider - some gravel is showing. Once you get past this spot, conditions improve dramatically, so don't let the start discourage you!
(Erin Blow)
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Firsthand: Classic Secondhand 
[ Good skis ]
Spring continues, but the skiing's fine. Mostly a green rated tour of interior trails, but a peek down adjacent passages looked good. The skate deck looked complete and granular in most places and we used that as we jumped out of the tracks here and there, temperature being in the high 30's range. I didn't see any concern for ski bases while we toured on skins and zeros. In talking with the groomers it looks like the Loopy Loppet course is in good shape with only one uphill they will shovel on to. In general, good to very good spring conditions while keeping an eye out for variations. Check the weather, but it looks like a good weekend coming up.
(Ken Schoville)
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
The temperatures have finally dropped and the groomers are back out! Classic tracks and skate decks are being re-set on the Cookie Loop area and the west side interior trails (Base Loop, Tornado Alley, Survivor, XC). These will be the best trails to hit in the morning hours. Conditions are still very good out on the trails with great coverage in most spots. A few areas of shallow tracks and thin spots but these are easy to avoid. Getting to be true spring ski conditions: the ungroomed trails should be better once they soften up with the warm temperatures.
(Erin Blow)
Monday, February 24, 2025
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Good skis ]
Gave the Wilderness Trails a try and was not disappointed. A 10:30-noon ski yielded a transition from glazed shadowed track to a sun splotched sucky, grab-and-go quad builder. 45F will do that. Overall very pleasant, a reminder to wear sunscreen, hydrate, and smile constantly, as we shift into Spring Mode (on February 24th).
(Ken Schoville)
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
I did the River Run today. The skate deck had a light dusting of new snow. Temperatures were above freezing and the deck slowed considerably in the sun. Conditions were good in the shade but only fair elsewhere.
(Jim Gantz)
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Good skis ]
Did the River Run thing today, first out, "clean snow". Firm and fast with a hint of brown under the pines, but mostly good. Got to 31F today with modest sun. A traditional post Birkie stop for that short, soothingly recovery ski should be worth the effort.
(Ken Schoville)
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Best conditions of the year today at Winter Park, skied out to Wolf Tracks and back. Deck was firm, smooth and very fast, skis ran great. Just a few minor thin spots under some trees but mostly just perfect. Nice classic track as well, again a few minor thin spots. Great Day!
(Kirby Schuller)

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