Trail Detail

Ironwood, MI
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ABR is a full service touring center, located on scenic and varied terrain along the Montreal River in Ironwood Michigan. Trailhead cabin, retail ski shop, rentals and lessons available. They have state of the art grooming equipment, including Pisten Bully powertillers, and groom daily. Open at 9 AM daily from November to April 1st.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

Reports 57 to 66 of 114    Month: Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec | Nov
Sunday, January 5, 2025
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
The five of us were bundled for -3 degree grooming early this morning, we just hunkered down and got it groomed up. We groomed up 32 km today, no new tracks (yet). We groomed River, Popple, Memory returning on River, Bards, the Tamarack, blueberry to cold feet shortcut. We also groomed Jack Pine/ White Pine, Cherry, Deer Trail and Jacks Flats. Grooming plans: Good news tonight! We received 2 inches of lake effect snow (not forecasted) during the afternoon. This will not make the trails race ready, however it will improve the trails conditions. Three of us heading out early morning to groom, we are not planning to reset tracks yet. We plan to groom more trails but will be "squeegee" grooming the new snow covering some of the debris we brought up over the last week. Check in the chalet for a personal report from Eric or Angela as some trails may not be open or safe. I personally want to encourage the SISU racers to come up and ski the trails here in Ironwood with the other recreational skiers this coming weekend. Skiers have been very happy with skiing in the woods on natural snow.
(Eric Anderson, ABR Trails)
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, Rock skis ]
The groomers did amazing work with a thin base! It was definitely worth the trip. I did hit two unexpected rocks. I even saw tracks on a few trails like Hemlock. Most of the trails are closed but there is enough open to keep most skiers happy.
(Eric Koch)
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Grooming Secondhand 
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
We groomed with five groomers this morning, turning then old snow to a mix of new snow and old snow. Still no new classic tracks but classic skiers are enjoying the trails as well as well as skate skiers. We are grooming about 45 km. Conditions have been improving daily with the new snow and a daily arsenal of groomers.
(Eric Anderson, ABR Trails)
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
The five groomers all showed up, and what a great start to the New Year! 38 km groomed and skiable! It has been snowing for more of the day. We groomed River, Popple, Memory (memory is thin and in poor condition) then we went back on Blueberry from the open bowl and diverted on Tamarack to return -- not including memory, a nice 10 km on pretty decent snow, no big hills but gentle rolling. We groomed Blueberry Bluffs to cold feet shortcut and Meadow Ridge diverting to Cherry Dairy on the last downhill. This is a nice easy 4 km with no major hills. We groomed Cherry Dairy and Deer Trails (with a dead end turn around), about 3 km to the trailhead. We also groomed Tamarack to the crossover, jack pine to white pine -- flat, no tracks, open to skate skiers or classic and about 16 k. Dog trails were groomed across the road, about 5k and very good coverage and low usage. Grooming plans: Tomorrow we plan to groom about the same, but we are adventuring into the Highlands using the connector at the Hendrickson/Kaartunen House. Our plan is to groom a 10 km section and use connectors to eliminate the big hills and icy lowlands. This may be an option for the SISU Ski Fest that is viable.
(Eric Anderson, ABR Trails)
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ B skis ]
Skate skied at ABR today and yesterday. The trails are fantastic! Yes, there are thin spots but very manageable. A huge thank you to Eric and his grooming crew for the magical conditions!
(Lisa Teske)
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
Thank you ABR grooming team! Remarkable ski given the stretch of weather. We skied everything that was groomed for skate including the dog trails. Yea, there are some ice and bare spots but they just added a little required finesse! 100% skiable and a lot of fun doing it. Fantastic day! Thanks again for making a little "lemonade"!
(Zack Ouradnik)
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
Broken record: four groomers, same route. However skiers are reporting better and better conditions every day from the multiple passes with light equipment. Today I ventured off on jack pine and dragged it to break up old ice -- it made a huge difference. Grooming plans: Tomorrow we have 5 groomers, two of us will hunker down on some of the classic trails, not to set track but to try to open some of the single track and make it skiable. So hopefully more k open 2025.
(Eric Anderson, ABR Trails)
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, Rock skis ]
ABR was in fair to good condition for skating. Portions of Popple Flats, River Trail and Blueberry Bluffs were excellent, but there also a lot of small bare spots to dodge around. Memory lane was probably the roughest trail that I skied today with a lot of bare ground and gray ice, but it was still skiable. Cherry Dairy has a short stretch of gray ice but otherwise was in good condition. Overall the trails are skating really well for the minimal snow cover, it felt like legit skiing today and not skittering around on ice. ABR has done an amazing job make the ice skiable, that said, there are definitely bare spots, dirt and a few rocks to look out for so definitely rock ski conditions.
(Eli Anoszko)
Monday, December 30, 2024
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
The groom crew showed up today, same route, however we added the dog trails to the grooming routine. We logged 112 km of grooming on our grooming gps ( multiple passes with the groomers), however we are skiing on about 20 km of groomed trails. Skiing was rated better today than yesterday. It was softer today and better control. Still no classic tracks reset and they won't be until we get more snow. With no new snow, the groomers are dodging debris on the thin cover but providing a very skiable surface. We are a bit disappointed with the low snow but skiers are skiing and satisfied.
(Eric Anderson, ABR Trails)
Monday, December 30, 2024
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Rock skis ]
It's thin and icy, but given the recent weather, that's no surprise. Classic skiing was challenging, even on the gentle trails. Tracks were mostly not usable. Bare spots were avoidable. I got turned around at one point and ended up on a trail that wasn't groomed today - not a good idea. The skate skiers appeared to be having a better time of it.
(Laurie Ford)

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