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Trails groomed daily, as necessary. Classic and skating, Lessons available for individuals and groups. Warm chalet with showers, sauna, changing rooms, lounge area, snacks.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2023-2024 season
Reports 2 to 11 of 22    Month: Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
What a joy to ski on real snow! It was like early season skiing with the first snow dump on bare ground. The trails were soft and bumpy and pole plants sometimes punched through. Still, it was skiing at one of my favorite trails. Thanks to the groomers for their hard work. Get out and enjoy before it warms up!
(Elaine Nelson)
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
[ Trails Open: Partial, Good skis ]
Tuesday we spent the day compacting 18" of Spring snow on the 6K trail, and then grooming with the Ginzus and finally, setting a Classic track. The base is still soft untransformed snow. Today we welcomed more than 100 happy skiers, so the trail saw a lot of use. Grooming Plans: Based upon the 10-day forecast we will not be putting time and money into grooming the 8K trail. The 8K is open to backcountry skiing and snowshoeing. We will re-groom the 6K skate deck on Thursday morning, then wait to see what the weather brings on Friday night. The chalet is open 8-8 while trails last, and the rental desk will be manned on Saturday 9-5.
(John Graham)
Sunday, February 4, 2024
Observation Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
Today we were able to complete KidSki Lesson 5 on what snow remains in the vicinity of the chalet. The trails have developed many exposed areas, and the remaining base is icy. No classic tracks left. The chalet and rentals will be closed, and the trail lights turned off until we get groom-able snow. The trails are open, at your own risk, and will be best in mid-morning, as the base softens.
(John Graham)
Friday, February 2, 2024
Observation Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
Both the 6K and the 8K trails are about 95% covered with a shallow, icy base. The worst bare ground is on the south-facing hills, like Shovel Hill and Geno's Jump on the 8K, Bee Hollow on the 6K. Experienced skate skiers tell me that the trails are ski-able today, with bare spots easy to see and avoid. The classic tracks are gone. Based on these conditions the trails will be open this weekend, but caution is recommended. Use rock skis and be cautious on the downhills. Rentals will not be available and the chalet will be closed. KidSki Lesson 5 will go forward on Sunday, with the "Ski Carnival" taking place at the chalet, Sledding Hill, and athletic field. The chalet will open for KidSki participants at 1 pm Sunday. Think Snow!
(John Graham)
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
45 degrees under full sun as I write this, but our trails remain 98% covered. The classic tracks have broken-down, however both trails are skate-able. The base is thin, but exposed rocks are easily avoided. I suggest rock skis, and certainly not your best skis. Tomorrow we enter a freeze/thaw cycle, so the best skating will be after 0900. We are open 8 am - 9 pm. Light will be on til 9 pm.
(John Graham)
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
Given the lack of snow, the classic track was in remarkably good shape. On the 6K loop, I saw two small somewhat bare spots, but they were easily avoidable. Spotted a deer on the trail, but she was easily avoidable, too. Kudos to groomers for keeping the trails in good shape!
(John Helms)
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Our trails are still 99.9% covered with a shallow base, and the classic track is worn but skiable on both trails. Amazing, considering that they were set 11 days ago! Future plans: We are going into the "use it before you lose it" mode; we'll be open regular hours, and KidSki Lesson #4 will proceed on Sunday. Expect deteriorating conditions each day. We'll reassess conditions on Tuesday as things develop. Strange winter.
(John Graham)
Monday, January 22, 2024
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
The classic track was very good, considering the lack of snow. There were a couple of dirt spots, but not a big deal. The 6K loop (Jane's plus Special K) is open. Congratulations and thanks to the groomers for making do with so little!
(John Helms)
Friday, January 19, 2024
Observation Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
The frigid week has preserved the deck and classic track, despite a lot of use. The Washburn HS team came up today to enjoy natural snow. We're 99% covered with a very hard base. Because of the shallow base, we can not refresh the deck: the Ginzu knives just tear the compacted snow off of the ground. So, we are what we are until we get another snow. All trails are ooen skate and classic. We're open 8am-9pm on Mon-Sat, 8am-8pm on Sunday. Member Dog Days are Mon, Wed and Sat. KidSki lesson #3 will happen on Sunday 1:30-3:30 pm, so the chalet and parking lots will be crowded.
(John Graham)
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Considering the lack of snow, the trails were very good. The classic track is holding up well. There were very very few spots that were not completely covered, and those were not a problem at all.
(John Helms)

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