Trail Detail
The Lester-Amity trail offers 15K of varied terrain for beginner to experienced skiers through pine, aspen, and birch forests. An additional 3K circles the Lester Park Golf Course and is accessible from the main Lester-Amity Trail. The openness of the golf course offers an excellent place for beginning cross-country skiers, and several short cuts are available. There is also a 5K trail portion that is lit in the mornings and evenings.Trail Reports
Saturday, February 15, 2025
posted: 2025-02-15 14:02:54
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: All, ]
Skied on corduroy, trails in good shape, but some places soft and slow snow. Classic tracks looked mostly set.
(Linda Magni)
Monday, February 10, 2025
posted: 2025-02-10 16:22:21
Firsthand: Classic [
] |
Skied Lester this afternoon - the classic tracks are a little rough, lots of places where they're either gone or not much good. Still a pretty fabulous ski, just a little more challenging than expected. Husband said the skate deck was freshly packed when he skied at noon, and it looked pretty good.
(Sara Post)
Sunday, February 9, 2025
posted: 2025-02-10 13:50:55
Firsthand: Classic Secondhand [
] |
By late afternoon Sunday, Lester had seen a lot of love and the tracks were showing it. Tracks were obliterated on some of the uphills where some skiers herringboned on them, and they were fairly shallow and sloppy throughout. Still a very fun ski - just saying the tracks were better when it was more recently groomed. Skaters we talked to said conditions were good. Coverage was good despite the low-snow winter.
(Catherine Winter)
Saturday, February 8, 2025
posted: 2025-02-08 18:46:01
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: All, ]
Tears of joy. Can that be my report?! Just felt so good to be skiing at Lester with nearly perfect coverage. Skiers skied in the dusting of snow we got and both the track and skate deck were in great shape. Still some junk ground into a couple of uphills (back side of J esp) and right at A, but nothing too bad. I used my good skis and didn't regret it. Long live winter!
(Annalisa Peterson)
Thursday, February 6, 2025
posted: 2025-02-06 19:28:48
Firsthand: Classic [ Trails Open: All, ]
Conditions are good - we were pleasantly surprised to find groomed trails after the Wednesday night snow. We had our classic skis, the skate deck is rolled also. The wind may blow some snow back, but it's groomed all the way to the top of the hill.
(Janice Marie Hille)
Thursday, February 6, 2025
posted: 2025-02-06 18:42:04
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: All, ]
Side facing Skyline is firm and fast. The other side, a different story. Very loose, sticky, sinky, and slow. Still fun though.
(Ben Johnson)
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
posted: 2025-02-06 13:20:15
Firsthand: Classic [
] |
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
posted: 2025-02-05 14:48:45
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: All, ]
Overall, Lester is fabulous right now. Above the "C" intersection is good skis conditions. There is a little debris and dirty snow below that. The only place where there's truly unavoidable debris and dirt is on the uphill right out of the playground. Skate deck was super solid, but not yet at the point of being squirrely. classic tracks were full depth and also very solid. A couple footprints from the playground up to A intersection and near the second trailhead on Seven Bridges road. I tried to flick away any of the sticks I found on the skate deck as I went, so hopefully I left it better than I found it.
(Ketzel Levens)
Monday, February 3, 2025
posted: 2025-02-03 14:56:43
Firsthand: Classic [
] |
Lester was groomed again today. There is a bit more dirt here and there but you can use your good skis. The side loops are groomed now but quite soft. The uphill on the back side of the J loop has a lot of dirt in it. Lots of folks out in the middle of a Monday afternoon!
(Catherine Winter)
Sunday, February 2, 2025
posted: 2025-02-02 18:15:26
Firsthand: Classic [
] |
Eight inches of new snow groomed today, and Lester was hopping. There is a bit of dirt here and there on the lower loops, easily stepped around. The upper loops are clean. The classic track is holding up well throughout. The skate late has been well used and it was very soft, especially on the upper loops, where it looked like skating would be quite a slog. I wallowed around when I stepped out of the classic track. The G and J loops have not been groomed.
(Catherine Winter)
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