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Great trails expertly groomed at Maplelag. Mainly classical but some skating loops too.
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Trail Reports

2022-2023 season
Reports 13 to 22 of 87    Month: Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec | Nov
Saturday, April 1, 2023
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
No new snow ensured primo textbook spring skiing today. Morning groom saw all the classic tracks reset. Late afternoon Jonell and I skied Sukkerbusk and North Loup as the snow as transitioning back to light surface glaze. Fantastic glide but enough softness for control. Overall excellent spring skiing. After skiing groomed on Sukkerbusk and Sap Run setting new track and renovated Skaters Waltz and the big hill down to Bullhead Lake. Should freeze good again tonight and be snappy and fast in the morning before softening around noon. The fat bike trail is also in primo condition and should be another great morning of riding before noon tomorrow.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Friday, March 31, 2023
Firsthand: Both 
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Just under a inch of new snow overnight. Determined best to let it be skied in as forecast was calling for more snow in the afternoon. Skated on Skaters Waltz with Jack and the deck was level, smooth on top of rock solid base making for a very nice ski despite slightly slower conditions. Temperature was around 32 degrees. The forecasted snow never happened this afternoon. While we waited to see if it would snow and for the temperature to drop, Jonell and I went classic skiing early evening. Temperature was 36 degrees. No rain. The new snow overnight was surprisingly fast, not sure if it was the Vauhtil LV violet or snow. Really really nice skiing. Still no snow as of 9pm and the current system looks to stay south of us.We also have been grooming on 17km of fat bike trail. A check of the conditions today found really nice riding. The base is rock solid and with tonights hard freeze should be really nice riding in the morning. The deer have migrated to the southern slopes that have a bit of openness and food source for their remaining wintering. Grooming plans: The grooming plan now is to get out in the morning to classic track groom and reset all the singletrack and one side of the double track. Skate deck should be good. Maybe a bit faster to start but the new dusting should be a transformed sugary goodness on top of the rock solid base.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Thursday, March 30, 2023
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Another morning of mid winter ski conditions! Did get a little warmer today but very little transformation of the snow with cloud cover most of the day. This morning we combed out the skate lanes. Tracks remain in excellent shape and were left alone. Grooming plans: We plan to groom on the 25km of trail currently open and groomed in the morning based on the forecast of snow. Operating plans: We will now plan to be open until at least Easter weekend grooming on the same 25km of trail.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Little bit more new snow than expected this morning as a hard and fast hitting squall moved through dropping 2-3" fresh fluffy powder. Made for really fun skiing this morning on the big hills and crusted slopes with the fresh powder on top to carve up. Once the system exited, temperature and humidity dropped along with totally clearing of the skies, hopped on snowmo and started grooming on the 25km of trail we have open with the Ginzu's.Teeth running deep mixing the old snow with the new. With temps unusually cold, (-3 this morning and climbing only to the teens), mid winter conditions are in place. Grooming plans: We will continue grooming daily this week into the weekend. Thanks to all the Twin Cities skiers that have trekked north to enjoy our special late season conditions.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Firsthand: Both 
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
A really nice weekend of late March skiing. Sunday wasn't quite as warm with temps staying in the mid 20's. This kept the Sunday early morning groom fresh all day. The skate deck is firm and fast but enough give for edging. The most pleasant surprise was the crust skiing on Sunday. The lakes, meadows and most generously snow covered marsh areas have all seasoned now for coveted crust skiing. Grooming plans: Skate lanes will be renovated Monday morning. Tracks to be reset on JibFly and Sukkerbusk. We will continue to groom on 25km of trail (15km classic 10km skate) this week.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Friday, March 24, 2023
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Another fantastic late season day of skiing and grooming. Sunny and frosty to start than clouds moving in keeping the sun from doing any damage. Late afternoon tracks were reset on Sap Run, Sukkerbusk, JibFly and Twin Lakes. North Loup track holding out great and was not reset. This evening skate lanes on North Loup and Skaters Waltz renovated and combed out. Should be a great day of skiing on Saturday!
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Thursday, March 23, 2023
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Beautiful hoar frost adding to the incredible conditions today. All tracks reset and skate deck on Skaters Waltz renovated. We also groomed 20km of fat bike trail. Grooming plans: We will groom the 25km of trail that is open both Friday and Saturday afternoons. Fat bike trail on tap for grooming again Friday afternoon as well.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
We received 6" of snow overnight, oozing with moisture. This morning we packed 25km of trail then combed it out and set track in the afternoon. Probably the best day of grooming this season. The snow was incredible, so nice to work with. A skate ski at sunset found unreal conditions for March 22nd. Possibly the best March 22nd ski ever. The sunset over the Goat Ranch Rd when I crossed over to the north caught me off guard and stopped me in my tracks. Temps were dropping to lower teens and skiing should be even better in the morning. Grooming plans: We will reset the track on Sukkerbusk, Twin Lakes, and North Loup in the morning.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Monday, March 20, 2023
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Fantastic late season skiing today under brilliant March sunshine. This afternoon renovated the skate deck than headed north across the county road to refurbish the skate lane on North Loup and reset the track in some segments. Tuesday morning skiing should be really nice. The temperature has been struggling to get above freezing which is keeping the snow fresh and ideal for grooming. The tracks are holding out great from Saturday's groom. Expect faster conditions on the south facing segments in the morning before softening when the sun does its magic. Grooming plans: North Loup and Skaters Waltz will be cleaned up ahead of possible snow in the afternoon.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Saturday, March 18, 2023
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Another inch of fluff snow overnight. Early morning we were out resetting track on Sap Run, Sukkerbusk, JibFly, Twin Lakes and North Loup and leveling the drifted areas in the open. Skaters Waltz also groomed renovating the new snow into the base. Mid winter conditions, should be a excellent weekend of skiing third weekend of March. The Innerwest fat bike loop was also groomed last night.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)

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