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Great trails expertly groomed at Maplelag. Mainly classical but some skating loops too.
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Trail Reports

2007-2008 season
Reports 32 to 41 of 88    Month: May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec | Nov | Oct
Monday, March 10, 2008
Conditions: Simply outstanding!
My wife and I went to Maplelag after work on Monday to take advantage of the extra hour of daylight with the time change. We skied the Lotvola Cup course (with the exception of Bullhead Lake trail). The conditions were outstanding. The trails are in prime shape. Our thanks to Jay Richards for the excellent grooming he always provides. For a great day of skiing, check out Maplelag!
(Glenn Gifford)
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Conditions: Perfect for March 9th. Sunshine, lower 20's 2-3" of foo foo fluff past 24 hours. Compacted base at highest level of the season.
Set new tracks on about 15km of trail and groomed 5km skate only this morning. Trails not groomed have the foo foo on top which made for some really, really nice/fun skiing with solid tracks underneath. The ginzu blades were running deep in effort to introduce as much old with the fluff as possible and avoid the squeegee thing. Skated this afternoon on all skate trails, groomed and groomed yesterday with the fresh on top, and it was all as good as it gets for this time of year. With warmer temps coming, should be some fantastic spring skiing this week.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Conditions: Excellent snow condition. Dry, cold packed powder. Dusting of new overnight. Very good to excellent skiing conditions. No ice. Sunshine, single digits, light winds. A few areas of windblown and drifted snow.
No grooming since Lotvola Cup but still very nice skiing. Seems more like January with cold temps and dry powder and no icy base sometimes found this time of year. Select grooming planned later this week before big Moosejaw weekend.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Friday, February 29, 2008
Conditions: Sunny and clear in morning, cloudy and snow mid day and clearing in afternoon. Temp falling to 10 degrees at 3pm. 2" fresh snow past 24 hours.
Windy. Very good to excellent ski conditions being reported today.
All the skate trails groomed again this morning and new tracks set on about 30km of trail. Wind was blowing snow into tracks in open areas but setting up nice in the woods as temps fell throughout the day. Grooming will resume this evening as wind forecasted to settle down along with single digit temps. Tomorrow morning should be fantastic skiing then might get sticky in afternoon with mid 30's possible.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Friday, February 29, 2008
Conditions: Fresh snow over great base.
Headed over to Maplelag to enjoy some skiing with friends staying there. Skied classic on Emmas favorite trail Lucky's Loype. Great rolling trail and singletrack. Then skied skaters waltz. Freshly groomed so a bit soft but fresh snow falling in the woods and it was beautiful! Trails should be fantastic for the Lotvola Cup Sunday.
(Anne Ellefson)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Conditions: Fantastic. 20 degrees, sunshine, light winds. 1-2" light fluffy snow past 24 hours. 3km fresh groomed with double tracks this morning with hasty tracks set on lake for Lotvola Cup start.
Skate skied North Loup and Skaters Waltz late afternoon and was unreal. Checked out some of the tracks set yesterday.... were real nice and the fluff on top was frosting. If there was something wrong with the day, you better pick up a pair of air Jordans and hit the court. Wow.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Conditions: Good to Excellent! Mid 30's, bright sunshine and no wind. Areas of softness and glazing, mainly on southern exposed.
I skied this afternoon during the sweet spot time and think it was one of the best classic outings of the year. Fantastic late February weather, about as good as it gets. The trails that had been groomed late Friday night and early Sunday morning seemed to be the best skiing but all the short sections of trail I checked out were good. My kick wax for the various conditions was working great which doesn't seem to happen often during the melt/freeze thing. I jumped on Skaters Waltz for a while and the skate veranda was very nice. Trails are holding out great after a record number of skier visits during a Birkie weekend and lots of smiling faces over the weekend. Select trails will be groomed tomorrow morning and during the week.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Conditions: Excellent!! All 64km fresh groomed for the weekend with tracks pressed yesterday and last night setting up nicely during the night. Dusting of fluff on top from this morning. Skate lanes polished this morning.
Its hard to beat a morning like today. Mid teens, fresh snow delicately falling and somehow clinging to the smallest of branches. Clearing at day break allowing for bright sunshine to fill the woods. Great weekend of skiing on tap.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Conditions: -8F Sunny. Lots of new snow. Great base, nice and firm.
Headed over to Maplelag in the mid afternoon and found the temps felt great with the sun warming things up. Started out with classic, doing JibFly, Twin Lakes, and Sukkerbusk. The tracks were PERFECT, firm and pretty fast considering the temps. Next I switched skis and headed out on Skaters Waltz. It had been freshly groomed and was also great skiing. As usual Maplelag has awsome skiing thanks to Jay's perfect grooming.
(Lars Ellefson)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Conditions: Good to Excellent. Morning low -28. Hi -4. Arctic chaser dropping temp back down to -25 at 9pm. Areas of windblown snow and these areas were slow today.
Blade day on the PISTEN BULLY. Transition area from lake to trail and first km built up on Lotvola cup course, gap jump built and snow pulled in from side, leveling warps from snowmobile grooming on skaters waltz.
Skated less than an hour after grooming as Arctic chaser was dropping the temp down and skating was pretty fast considering the temp was -15...had set up quickly and the sugar pulled from the side made for nice surface which to ski upon. Grooming for real on Thursday after bit more maintenance grooming tomorrow.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)

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