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Great trails expertly groomed at Maplelag. Mainly classical but some skating loops too.
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Trail Reports

2021-2022 season
Reports 36 to 45 of 135    Month: Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec | Nov
Monday, March 14, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
We enjoyed another day of below freezing temps. The sun was strong as it is this time of year and softened south facing areas but overall a great day of grooming and skiing. We cut new track on Sukkerbusk and Sap Run and renovated all the skate trails. The snow we pulled up was dry and fresh, and mixing with everything else made for a nice surface which to ski upon. Jonell and I skied at dusk on the classic trails groomed and was about as good as it gets for March 14th. Skied a few segments of other trails that had the dusting of new on top of the most recent groomed and was very nice silkylike experience. Tomorrow morning should be awesome on all the trails! We will also enter spring conditions mode tomorrow. Crisp and tight in the morning than softening in the pm. Recommended to ski sunset to noon. We also groomed the entire fat bike loop today. Should be fantastic riding in the morning. Moving forward we ask folks to ride in the morning hours to preserve the deck so we can extend the season as long as possible. Grooming plans: Tomorrow afternoon/evening we will reset tracks on select classic trails.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Sunday, March 13, 2022
Grooming Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
A nice day of Sunday skiing! Fresh snow with an inch or so falling overnight blanketing the grooming from Thursday-Saturday. Temps warming up to the mid 20's, giving way to sunshine and pleasant weather. Grooming plans: We were set to groom select trails this evening but held off with snow in the forecast. We will be out in the morning setting new double track on select trails and also touching up the skate trails. A full grooming of the 25km fat bike loop also planned in the afternoon during the transition phase.
Operating plans: We will continue grooming select trails this week. We are closed for lodging but have the trails open for day use. With warmer temps possible this week, we look to transition to "spring" skiing. Plan for sweet spot skiing from 11am-1pm. Faster in the morning and than again in the afternoon. Most grooming occurs in the late afternoon and evening, skiing best from sunrise to 1pm or so.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Saturday, March 12, 2022
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
A cool morning with temp checking in at -20. Made for another chilly morning of grooming but the groomers were out working the skate lanes and setting track on Wavy Gravy and Roy's Run. Sunshine took off the edge and was another great day of March skiing with dry January like snow. Snow moving in the afternoon and early evening with an inch or so falling. Grooming plans: Groomers will be off tomorrow, however should be some fantastic skiing in the fluffy new snow on entire trail system that has been groomed Thursday-Saturday and temps forecasted to be in the low 20's.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Friday, March 11, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
The snow squall that moved through last night has created a lot of local buzz. Why did everyone receive a emergency notification for this unique weather event and not others? Discussion continues but regardless we ended up grooming more than we planned with all inner classic only trails being groomed and outer trails Twin Lakes and North Loup. I skated this morning and was pretty slow going but relished the January like conditions in mid March. Grooming plans: All skate trails and classic trails Wavy Gravy on tap for Saturday morning grooming.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Another January like day made for consistent skiing all day. A sunset ski on the western freshly groomed classic trails capped off a nice day of grooming and fat biking. This evening we had a quick hitting mini blizzard with close to an inch of fresh snow. Grooming plans: Select ski trails on tap for grooming in the morning and the entire 25km fat bike loop will be groomed in the afternoon. Some trails not groomed might have tracks blown in and a few finger drifts in the open areas.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Incredible conditions for early March. Felt more like January this afternoon than March. An inch or so of new snow overnight. This morning we cut new track on Rootin Tootin and North Loup. Early evening we set new double track on Sap Run and Sukkebusk. We also continued work on the Bootleg fat bike singletrack today. Grooming plans: Skate trails, singletrack classic trail Wavy Gravy and double track classic trails JibFly and Twin Lakes on tap for grooming tomorrow. Touch up on the fat bike trails. We are up to 25km of groomed fat bike trails now.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Monday, March 7, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Sensational day on the trails. Trees covered beautifully in frost this morning providing a scenic backdrop for today's group skiers. A thin coating of silky frost on the tracks provided some euphoric glide and the same could be said about the skate deck. Afternoon grooming occurred on the skate trails and we also worked on the Bullhead Bootleg singletrack loop. Grooming plans: We will be working on North Loup tomorrow bringing the skate deck back to life along with the track set. We will also resume work on the Bootleg singletrack for fat biking.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Sunday, March 6, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Dusting of new snow last night that filled the lower part of the tracks and made for really nice skiing today. With temps in the teens and a gentle breeze from the NW, it felt more like January 6th! No grooming today for the first time since December 26th! Skied on Mother North Star and Mother Hen this evening and was fantastic. Just a few minor areas the tracks filled in a few spots. This afternoon we had a spirited fat bike ride on the entire 25km groomed loop, finding conditions close to the best of the year. So fast if you catch the edge you'll be flying!! Grooming plans: Select trails on tap for grooming tomorrow.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Saturday, March 5, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
We had a nice day on the trails with some good late season skiing, touch of springlike conditions. Temp reached a high of 32 but with transformed snow already and mostly cloudy conditions, the snow held out great and there was very little if any softening. We had no precipitation of any kind. This afternoon we touched up select classic trails with Mother North Star getting the nod for groomer's choice for tomorrow. We also cleaned up the Twin Lakes fat bike trail which got rutted out in a few spots. At dusk I skated all the skate trails and enjoyed dry fast snow but not icy other than a very short section of Kamikaze hill. Grooming plans: We are ready to groom select trails if any significant snow. Otherwise will probably leaver everything alone if just a dusting with with defined tracks and light skier traffic keeping the structure in place.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Outstanding conditions. Everything is providing fantastic action after daily grooming, a gentle transformation of the snow deck and seasoning of the snow pack. Today we touched up a few double track and singletrack classic trails and reset the track on Bullhead lake to Bootleg extension. Fat bike trail in best condition of season and now up to 22km of groomed trail. Grooming plans: Skate trails on tap for a restructure in the morning.
(Jay Richards, Maplelag Resort)

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