Trail Detail
A great mix of beginner and expert ski trails. With the inclusion of the Jerry Jolly Trails there is about 25 km groomed for skating and classic. There is also an additional 15 km of classic only trails. With views of Lake Superior and the Apostle Islands, this is a very scenic area to ski. There is a nice lodge which sells snacks and food as well as a ski patrol and small downhill area.Trail Reports
Friday, February 21, 2025
posted: 2025-02-21 15:11:35
Grooming [ Trails Open: All, ]
Classic and skate combo trails on Abbey Road, Beginners Loop, Skid Road, Northern Lights, the Buzz, Seagull, Anchor, Zig Zag, Roller Coaster, Telford and Jolly were groomed. All Classic Only trails including Sugar Bush, Oppendahls Alley, Seagull Classic, and Deer Path were also groomed.
(Ann Mosey)
Thursday, February 20, 2025
posted: 2025-02-20 13:58:47
Grooming [ Trails Open: All, ]
All skate lanes were groomed including Abbey Road, Beginners Loop, Skid Road, Northern Lights, the Buzz, Seagull, Anchor, Zig Zag, Roller Coaster, Telford and Jolly Loop. In addition, Sugar Bush, Seagull, and Oppedahl Classic Only trails were tracked.
(Ann Mosey)
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
posted: 2025-02-19 15:04:45
Grooming [ Trails Open: All, ]
Reset track and combed Anchor system, Telford, Seagull to Nordic summit, Jolly, and Roller Coaster. Skate/classic groomed on Abbey Road, Beginners Loop, Skid Road, Northern Lights, and the Buzz. Classic Only including Sugar Bush, Oppendahls Alley, Seagull Classic, Deer Path also beautifully groomed.
(Ann Mosey)
Monday, February 17, 2025
posted: 2025-02-17 14:58:30
Grooming [ Trails Open: All, ]
Deer Path was double packed, rolled, and tracked. Abbey Rd, Beginners', Jolly Long, Anchor, Roller Coaster, and Telford had skate refreshed. Fresh tracks set and skate was groomed on Skid Rd and Seagull classic (except between nordic and alpine summit).
(Ann Mosey)
Sunday, February 16, 2025
posted: 2025-02-16 15:57:51
Firsthand: Classic [ Trails Open: All, ]
Well, it wasn't 40 km but classic skied 23.07 miles in 3 hours 38 minutes of Ashwabay hill climbs and controlled downhills. Half the combi trails had groomed skate deck and medium deep tracks. Conditions were firm yet soft because of the amount of snow they received. Glide was a little slow. All and all a great final long ski before the Birkie! Thank you for getting me to the first wave for the 53 km classic this year Ashwabay groomers! I'll see you in Hayward!
(Kevin Grand)
Sunday, February 16, 2025
posted: 2025-02-16 14:45:32
Grooming [ Trails Open: All, ]
Skate/classic trails were fully groomed on Anchor, Abbey, Telford, Beginner, Skid Rd, Jolly, and Sea Gull. Classic Only was groomed on Sugar bush, Oppendahl, and Seagull classic.
(Ann Mosey)
Saturday, February 15, 2025
posted: 2025-02-15 16:30:25
Firsthand: Classic [ Trails Open: All, ]
Classic skied 20.2 miles in 3 hours 15 minutes. Al ot of fresh snow and skied on conditions. Soft and uneven tracks, soft skate deck. Definitely a kick kick ski rather than a kick glide ski. Hill climbs were great, glide was lacking due to fresh powder. Beautiful ski. Hopefully they groom for tomorrow, the plan is to do the last 40 km ski before the Birkie.
(Kevin Grand)
Saturday, February 15, 2025
posted: 2025-02-15 15:22:49
Grooming [ Trails Open: All, ]
It is snowing! The Big Loop including Abbey Road, Beginners Loop, Skid Road, Northern Lights, the Buzz, Seagull were groomed. Combined skate/classic were rolled then track was set. Anchor and Seagull done a second time. Classic Only trails (except for Deer Path) were rolled and new tracks set. Excellent results!
(Ann Mosey)
Thursday, February 13, 2025
posted: 2025-02-13 12:32:33
Grooming [ Trails Open: All, ]
All skate was beautifully refreshed including Abbey Road, Beginners Loop, Skid Road, Northern Lights, the Buzz, Seagull, Anchor, Zig Zag, Roller Coaster, Telford and Jolly Loop.
(Ann Mosey)
Monday, February 10, 2025
posted: 2025-02-11 09:47:33
Firsthand: Freestyle [ Trails Open: All, ]
Fantastic grooming again. Did the Buzz, Northern Lights, Abbey road, and Jolly Long Loop. All perfect.
(Steve Smith)
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